06/03/2004-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Board of Adjustments June 3, 2004 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Sherry Lewis, Bobby Frizzell, Joe Falls, Mary Ann Pyron, John Looper ABSENT: Mark McNeal OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Ernest Escobedo, Hope Escobedo 1. Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -April 22, 2004 Mary Ann Pyron moved to approve the minutes as presented. Bobby Frizzell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Variance Request Concerning Setback Regulations on Property Legally Described as Northgate Addition, Block 2 Lot 6. Property is located at 914 8th Street. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request Concerning Setback Regulations on Property Legally Described as Northgate Addition, Block 2 Lot 6. Property is located at 914 8th Street. Jerry Jenkins indicated he went to look at the property. It is very well maintained. There is three additional carports in the area. This request is for a carport to be erected in the front of the house. He advised Mr. Escobedo that his posts could not be placed in the City Right of Way. The City will come tell him where to put the posts if this is approved. Ernest Escobedo, 914 N. 8th St., indicated if he extends the roof it will not go past his driveway. Discussed the carport and other carports in the area. Jerry Jenkins asked Mr. Escobedo if he knew the approximate dimensions of the proposed carports. Mr. Escobedo indicated it will be a two car carport, approximately 18 x 24. I Discussion regarding carports in the city. Discussed the carport will be thirteen feet from the street. Jerry Jenkins asked if any of the surrounding property owners had objected to the request. Staff indicated they had not. Joe Falls indicated he was concerned about future safety issues. He wanted to make sure they could not close it in at a later date. Joe Falls moved to approve the request with the stipulation that the posts cannot extend into any right of way or easement and that at no time can the carport be closed in. Bobby Frizzell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approval