09/22/2005-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: B()ARD OF ADJUSTMENT September 22, 2005 PRESENT: Shelly Ruland, Bryon Moore, Mark McNeal, John Looper, Joe Falls, Carroll McNeill, Mary Ann Pyron OTH~RS PRESENT: City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, City Manager, Jack Smith 1. Polly Dwyer called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes are to be corrected and presented at next BOA Meeting. 3. Co(l~Uct Public Hearil)g to Consider a Variance Request co.,cerning Setbacks for a Carport on Property Legally Described as O.T. Sanger, Block 76, Lot 2. Property is Lqcated at 806 N. 4th Street. Public Hearing Open. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Conlijjder and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request Concerning Setbacks for a CafPort on Property Legally Described as O.T. Sanger, Block 76, Lf>t 2. Property is Located at 806 N. 4th Street. Discqssion. SheUy Ruland motiqned to accept approval for the Variance Request for setbacks for a C~rport on Property Legally Des~ribed as O.T. Sanger, Block 76, Lot2. Proverty is locat~d at 806 N. 4th &treet. ' SeCQJlded by Mary Ann Pyron. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adjourn. Approved