09/06/2007-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING September 6, 2N7 PRESENT: Gary Bilyeu, Glen Jensen, Russell Martin, Shelley Ruland, Brian Hutchenon, Kay VanHauen ABSENT: Paul Edleman OTHERS PRESENT: Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Lee Allison, Wanda and Glenn Ervin, Mayor Joe Higgs, Curt Fowler 1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: August 23, 2007 Make correction to Kay's last name on Item #4. Kav VanHauen moved to aoorove the minutes as corrected. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan and a Zoning Change from SF6 (Single Family 6) to PD (Planned Development on Property Legally Described as Ranger Creek Estates, Phase 2. Public Hearing Opened. Lee Allison, Allison Engineering -701 Chapparal, indicated that he did the original review on this project. He and his wife had constructed a house in the subdivision, and they plan to construct more homes. In the original application the submittal indicated a 20' rear setback. In the review process the surveyor made a change to the plat and the applicant was not aware of the change. He presented an exhibit to the memben showing the original 20' setback. He indicated this would allow for a larger home on the lots. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Plan and a Zoning Change from SF6 (Single Family 6) to PD (Planned Development on Property Legally Described as Ranger Creek Estates, Phase 2. Brief Discussion. Gary Bilyeu asked what the intent was for Park Land dedication. Staff indicated this plat was originally filed in the 1980's, and park land was not required. Discussion followed, Gary Bilyeu indicated that park land will be required when Phase 3 is submitted. Shelley Ruland moved to approve the zoning change from SF6 (Single Family 6) to PD (Planned Development on Property Legally Described as Ranger Creek Estates, Phase 2. Kay VanHauen seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan and a Zoning Change from Old SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325, Being 0.9900 Acres. (Habitat for Humanity) Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Public Hearing Opened. Georgia Royal, 203 E. Willow St., indicated she owns property East of this property. She indicated she did not think they needed four houses jammed together, she would prefer them spread out. Curt Fowler, Habitat for Humanity, indicated they were trying to help families have a place to live. Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Plan and a Zoning Change from Old SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325, Being 0.9900 Acres. (Habitat for Humanity) Property is Located on .Railroad Avenue. Shelley Ruland asked if the homes would be brick. Curt Fowler indicated they would. Russell Martin asked if the homes would have garages. Curt Fowler indicated they would not. Discussed how Habitat program works. Discussed lot sizes. Shelley Ruland indicated she felt they were getting a large size lot, and the homes were needed. This would make use of a lot that could otherwise sit vacant. Kay VanHauen indicated there would be 22' between the homes. Russell Martin idnciated he would rather see them develop 3 lots. Discussion followed regarding Habitat for Humanity. Discussed current and proposed zoning. Russell Martin moved to deny the zoning change request. Brian Hutchenon seconded. Motion carried 4 to 2. Shelley Rualnd and Kay VanHauen voted no. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Habitat for Humanity Subdivision, Lots 1-4, Block A. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Shelley Ruland moved to deny the Preliminary Plat for Habitat for Humanity Subdivision, Lots 1-4, Block A. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as N.L. Hobbs, Lot 1, Block A into Lots lR-1, lR-2 and lR-3. Property is Located on the Comer of Marion Road and F.M. 4SS. Public Hearing Opened. None. Public Hearing Closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat on Property Legally Described as N.L. Hobbs, Lot 1, Block A into Lots lR-1, lR-2 and lR-3. Property is Located on the Comer of Marion Road and F.M. 4SS. Lot widths not shown on plat, and additional ROW needed. Item Tabled. 10. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance -Specifically Section 28 -Historic District and Historic Preservation. Public Hearing Opened. Cecile Canon, Economic Development Director, indicated that this was a proposed amendment to the existing ordinance. The content is basically the same, but they tried to improve it. Revisions include: a. Clarifying criteria for historic designation b. Adding criteria for member qualification to include the owner of a property eligible for historic designation or within a historic district c. Setting a majority at S memben d. Changed tax exemption to apply to historic designated properties e. Clarified repain to structures that were damaged by natunl causes Ms. Canon explained that they would like to add a time fnme to the end of Section 3 - "a maximum of rave yean for the property". Public Hearing Closed. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance -Specifically Section 28 -Historic District and Historic Preservation. Discussion regarding construction in Historic Districts, Historic Designations and how to enforce the ordinance requirements. Ms. Canon explained that the City does not currently have districts, but this ordinance creates the fnmework to have them. Discussed the different districts being considered by the Historic Commission. Shelley Ruland asked if a district or designmation could be removed. Ms. Canon indicated that is could be requested. Discussion followed. Ms. Canon indicated that the Historic Commission has requested that the Commission recommend approval. Glen Jensen moved to recommend approval on the proposed amendments to the ordinance. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Gary Bilyeu indicated that staff will review what was discussed at the last meeting and get back with them. Cecile gave the memben each a zoning map. She indicated that Dan Botwell is working on the map and looking at how the current zoning ordinance is lining up with the proposed master plan. She asked the committee to review the map and submit any comments they may have. Cecile indicated this should come back to P&Z by September 20 .. , and she should have the brochures to them by then as well. The plan is to have a longer work session this fall, and once they are finished with the master plan to have a new zoning ordinance by next spring. 13. Meeting Adjourned.