09/05/1991-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Adjustment September 5,1991 · Chairperson Francile Sullivan, Betty Jenldns, Royce Fain, and Ben Weatherall City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Chairperson Francile Sullivan called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action regarding two (2) Variance Requests for 513 N. Second Street Lot 1, Blk 28, OT, Sanger, Joy Testa. Mrs. Testa proceeded into explaining to the Board what her intentions were, which were: 1). Lot variance from 50' to 60' with a 15' setback 2). 6' side yard 3). A 15' easement across the west side of Lot 1 R (the above described lot) to Lot 2 R (the proposed newly created lot); 4). A lot area variance of 2,000 sq. feet per dwelling unit. Discussion followed: Recommendation from staff was to approve the request Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to approve the variance requests. Seconded by Royce Fain. Motion carried 3. Any Other Such Matters: 1). City Manager replied that there will be another request that will be presented at a later date concerning a variance on a carport 4. Adjournment