12/19/1991-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Adjustment December 19, 1991 Francile Sullivan, Royce Fain, Ben Weatherall, and Betty Jenkins Fred Yeatts City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Minutes of December 5, 1991 approved as written. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request for 922 Wood Street, Lot 2, Block 11, Hampton Addition • Donald Tuttle Chairperson Sullivan opened the Public Hearing to the public. City Manager Hamilton presented his recommendation for approval of this request Mrs. Ann Weatherall spoke against this request due to the lot size and she spoke favorably in upgrading the existing houses. Chairperson Sullivan asked the City Secretaty if there were any comments that were received City Secretary replied that there were fourteen ( 14) letters sent and ten (10) approved the request and four (4) disapproved Discussion continued Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to grant variance request for Donald Tuttle. Seconded by Royce Fain. Motion carried with one (1) abstaining. 4. Any O~er Such Matters: None 5. Meeting adjourned