09/03/1992-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Adjustment September 3, 1992 Chairperson Fred Yeatts, Royce Fain, Francile Sullivan, Betty Jenkins and Ben Weatherall City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Jerry and Kathy Brown, Mary Copeland, Ricky Carter, Jessica Carter, Carl Hachmeister, Paige Hachmeister, Charles C. Bittle, Sr., Betty A Bittle, W. F. Williams, and Allen Sweeney 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes of March 12. 1992 were approved as printed. 3. Conduct Public Hearing for Variance Request for Lot 19, Block 14, Burgess Addition, ( 1107 Elm) Chairperson Yeatts opened the Public Hearing. Ricky Carter advised Board that he is wanting a variance to waive the side setbacks and two car garage. No one else spoke for or against this request Chairperson Yeatts closed the Public Hearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Public Hearing for Variance Request ( 1107 Elm) Betty Jenkins made the motion to approve variance request for Ricky Carter (1107 Elm). Seconded ·by Francile Sullivan. Voting for were: Royce Fain Aye Francile Sullivan -Aye Betty Jenkins Aye Fred Yeatts Aye (Ben Weatherall was not present to vote on this item.) 5. Conduct Public Hearing for Variance Request for Lot 5, Blk. 1, Snider Addition (2034 Benjiman) Chairperson Yeatts opened public hearing to the public. d02 Board of Adj., 9/3/92, page 2 City Secretary did advise that Mr. Looper is asking a variance to build a 1300 sq. ft. house and for a variance from 25' foot setbacks in the rear to 18.5. Discussion. Mr. W. F. Williams spoke against this request due to the fact that it would allow anyone wanting a variance to be granted one. No one was present to speak for this request This item was tabled to allow Mr. Looper an opportunity to express his views and also to give the City Manager an opportunity to be present to give his opinion on this request. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Public Hearing for Variance Request (2034 Benjiman) This item was tabled 7. Meeting adjourned. J03