10/01/1992-BOA-Minutes-Regular,-, MINUTES: Board of Adjustment October 1, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Fred Yeatts, Royce Fain. Francile Sullivan, Betty Jenkins and Ben Weatherall OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton. City Secretary Rosalie Garcia. Johnny Ray Looper, Johnny W. Looper, and Howard M. Palmertree 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes -Motion was made by Royce Fain to approve minutes. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing for Variance Request for Lot 5, Block 1, Snider Addition (2034 Benjiman) 4. Chairperson Fred Yeatts opened the public hearing. Johnny W. Looper spoke for this request. He presented the floor plans to the Board on this particular house. Mr. W. F. Williams was still in disapproval of this request City Administrator did advise Board that each variance request has to be treated as an individual topic since each one will be different and everybody is not going to ask for exactly the same thing because they will not be building the same house on exactly the same size lot It does and it doesn't set a precedence. City Administrator stated if this is a concern to them then they need to address it according to their personal opinion. He also said if a person wanted to add a sun room, he would have to go through this process. Discussion continued The main concern of some of the Board members was setting a precedence on variances. Chairperson Yeatts closed the public hearing. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Public Hearing for Variance Request (2034 Benjiman) 001 Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to grant variance request. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Voting for: Betty Jenkins Francile Sullivan Voting against: Ben Weatherall Fred Yeatts Royce Fain Request for variance for 2034 Benjitnan was not approved 3-2. three voted against and two voted for variance request. 5. Any Other Such Matters No other matters were discussed 6. Ben Weatherall made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion carried 002