11/19/1992-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Adjustment November 19, 1992 Chairperson Fred Yeatts, Allen Sweeney, Royce Fain, and Ben Weatherall Francile Sullivan and Betty Jenkins City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, and Christine Waggoner 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes: Ben Weatherall made the motion to approve minutes of October 27, 1992. Seconded by Royce Fain. Motion carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance Request for Hampton Addition, Blk. 24, Lot 39A (316 Church Street) Chairperson Fred Yeatts declared the Public Hearing open. City Administrator gave a brief explanation to this variance :request City Administrator advised Board that staff recommends approval. City Secretary reported that twenty one (21) letters were mailed and eight (8) had been sent back approving this request. Chairperson Yeatts declared the Public Hearing closed 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Variance Request for Hampton Addition, Blk. 24, Lot 39A (316 Church Street) Motion was made by Royce Fain to approve variance request for Hampton Addition, Blk. 24, Lot 39A (316 Church Street). Seconded by Ben Weatherall. Motion carried 5. Any Other Such Matters City Administrator advised that as soon as we receive the new updated zoning maps, they will be mailed to them. 000001 Bd. of Adj. Min. 11/ 19/92 Page 2 6. Adjournment Motion was made by Royce Fain for meeting to adjourn. Seconded by Ben Weatherall. Motion carried. 000002