03/25/1993-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Adjustment March 25, 1993 Chairperson Fred Yeatts, Ben Weatherall, Allen Sweeney, Francile Sullivan, and Betty Jenkins None City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, and Jack Armstrong *NOTE: Prior to the meeting. Boardmember Betty Jenkins informed staff that she was a property owner and would be abstaining on this variance request. 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes: Ben Weatherall made the motion to approve minutes of November 19, 1992. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance Request for W. B. Shirley, Block 1, Lot 1, Comer of 2nd and Wood Streets (200 Wood Street) Chairperson Yeatts declared the Public Hearing open. Jack Armstrong was in attendance at the meeting on behalf of this variance request It was noted fifteen (15) letter were mailed to property owners; six (6) had replied in favor of this request. No one spoke against this variance request Chairperson Yeatts declared the Public Hearing closed 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Variance Request for W. B. Shirley, Block 1, Lot 1, Comer of 2nd and Wood Streets (200 Wood Street) 000001 Bd. of Adj., 3/25/93, pg. 2 City Administrator John Hamilton gave a brief explanation as to Mr. Armstrong's request which is to divide one existing 80' X 90' lot into two residential lots, one has an existing older frame residence and the new lot will have a Wood Street address, measuring 75' X 80'. City Administrator Hamilton noted the following summarizes, in a SF-3 zone, Mr. Armstrong is requesting: a). A variance nnt on the lot minimum size of 6000 sq. ft, but on the minimum dimensions, 60' X 100' required, actual 75' X 80'. b). A backyard setback of 15 ft. instead of 25 ft c). Construct a new brick residence with a minimum of 1000 A/C sq. ft instead of the required 1200 A/C sq. ft d). A single car garage instead of a double car garage. City Administrator Hamilton stated staff recommends approval Allen Sweeney made the motion to approve the variance request Ben Weatherall seconded Motion carried with Allen Sweeney, Francile Sullivan, Fred Yeatts, and Ben Weatherall voting for. Betty Jenkins abstaining. 5. Any Other Such Matters -None 6. Meeting adjourned. 000002