04/27/1995-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustments April 27, 1995 PRESENT: Betty Jenkins, Francille Sullivan, Fred Yeatts, Allen Sweeney MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Weatherall OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts called meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance Request for Abstract 29, R Bebee, Tract 132, 4.00 Acres (207 Chapman) Chairperson Yeatts declared Public Hearing open. City Administrator John Hamilton addressed this issue and stated that Ronny Beard is requesting a Set-Back Variance on his property north of FM 455 between 3rd Street and 2nd Street in order to construct a boat storage facility. The area is Zone 1-1 and the boat storage facility is an approved use. Staff recommends approval Brief discussion. 3. Consider and Possible Action regarding Variance Request for Abstract 29, R Bebee, Tract 132, 4.00 Acres (207 Chapman) 4. 5. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to approve Variance Request for Abstract 29, R Bebee, Tract 132, 4.00 Acres (207 Chapman) Motion was seconded by Francille Sullivan. Motion carried. Voted For: Francille Sullivan Betty Jenkins Fred Yeatts Allen Sweeney Any Other Such Matters Adjournment d·-r-..... .r. -.(·"··