09/28/1995-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustments September 28, 1995 PRESENT: Fred Yeatts, Mike J81Des, Allen Sweeney, Ben Weatherall ABSENT: Francile Sullivan OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Mary Hendricks 1. Chairperson Fred Yeatts Called Meeting to Order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on property located at 903 Austin, legal description being Abstract 1241A Tract 196, Acres 0.23 to erect a free- standing carport. Chairperson Fred Yeatts declared Public Hearing opened. Mary Hendricks addressed the Board and advised that the reason for the request was for her mother Mrs. Vaughn. She indicated that during the bad weather it is difficult to take her to the doctor and protect her from the weather conditions as Mrs. Vaughn is on a walker. The carport is free-standing. Discussed. Chairperson Fred Yeatts declared Public Hearing Closed. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request on property located at 903 Austin, legal description being Abstract 1241A Tract 196, Acres 0.23 to erect a free-standing carport. Motion was made by Allen Sweeney that the request on property at 903 Austin be approved with the stipulation that the carport is at least S feet from the curb which is the standard requirement. Seconded by Ben Weatherall. Motion Carried. Unanimous vote. MINUTES: Board of Adjustments 9/28/95 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Adjournment. Page Two Motion was made by Allen Sweeney and seconded by Ben Weatherall to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried.