08/29/1996-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Board of Adjustment August 29, 1996 PRESENT: Chairperson Fred Yeatts, Allen Sweeney, Francile Sullivan, Ben Weatherall, Russell Madden MEMBERS ABSENT: Bobbye Robison, Andy Garza 1. Chairperson Yeatts Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request for a Sign Permit at property legally described as 805 FM455@ Chapman Rd, Sanger, known as Snap Shop #1, 902 N. Stemmons. 4. Chairperson Yeatts declared Public Hearing open. Jim Gaul with ABC Signs representing Jeswood Oil addressed the board concerning installation of a 7 x 7 sign at Phillip's 66 location. There is a high rise sign; however, Texaco and Chevron have a second sign to offer them the ability to advertise the prices of gasoline. Phillip's 66 will help identify traffic at 455 as well as advising public of prices of products they sell. There were several issues and concerns expressed by the board. Lengthy discussion followed. Chairperson Yeatts closed the Public Hearing. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request for a Sign Permit at property legally described as 805 FM455 @ Chapman Rd, Sanger, known as Snap Shop #1, 902 N. Stemmons. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Approve request contingent upon clarification with regard to the powers and duties of the board. Seconded by Ben Weatherall. Motion Carried unanimously. I MINUTES-BOA AUGUST 29, 1996 5. Any Other Such Matters. PAGE2 1) Ben Weatherall addressed certain concerns; he asked that Council take under advisement that the name of the board be changed to Board of Adjustment instead of Zoning Board of Adjustment, and; 2) Clarification that the board has the right and authority to grant variances including sign variances and other such matters that the board has to govern on. City Secretary tried to clarify the duties of the board, however, they were assured that each member would be sent information concerning clarification of their responsibilities. 6. Adjournment. Approved