10/09/1997-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustment October 9, 1997 PRESENT: Fred Yeatts, Ben Weatherall, Francile Sulliv , Andy Garza, Russell Mad n, Aile c:5 - ABSENT: Bobbye Robison I::::._ OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Acting Chairperson Ben Weatherall Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on property legally described as Hampton Addition, Block 12 (N 1/2 of E 65' of W126?, Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. Chairperson W eatberall Declared Public Hearing Opened. The property owners were not present to speak on this request. The City Administrator addressed this issue and indicated that the board has disapproved similar requests on Freese Drive, however, this neighborhood unlike Freese Addition might not create as much of a visual problem. The City Administrator recommended he would agree with the board on whatever decision they rendered. The City Secretary advised the property owners bad visited with the building inspector and he advised them they needed a setback variance. Discussion continued. A concern that was addressed was what would keep the property owners at a future date from enclosing the garage. City Administrator advised the property owners could not enclose it at the variance is only for the setback. Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Closed. BOA MINUTES 10/09/97 PAGE2 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request on property legally descnbed as Hampton Addition, Block 12, (N 1/2 of E 6S' of W 126?, Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. · Recessed for a few minutes to allow the City Secretary to call property owners to ask if it would have a concrete foundation. City Secretary returned after her call and advised that the property owner stated it was a double carport, no concrete foundation, and free standing (18 x 20 with 4 poles). Motion was made by Francile Sullivan to Approve the Variance Request on property legally described as Hampton Addition, Block 12 (N 1/2 of E 6S' of W 126"), Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. Seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion Carried with Ben ~eatherall abstaining. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Russell Madden requested that in the future property owners need to make a legible drawing indicating setbacks and an official request as to what they are actually building. 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Fred Yeatts to Adjourn. Seconded by Russell Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. I MINUTES: Board of Adjustment October 9, 1997 PRESENT: Fred Yeatts, Ben Weatherall, Francile Sullivan, Andy Garza, Russell Madden, Allen Sweeney ABSENT: Bobbye Robison OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Acting Chairperson Ben Weatherall Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on property legally described as Hampton Addition, Block 12 (N 1/2 of E 65' ofW126'), Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Opened. The property owners were not present to speak on this request. The City Administrator addressed this issue and indicated that the board has disapproved similar requests on Freese Drive, however, this neighborhood unlike Freese Addition might not create as much of a visual problem. The City Administrator recommended he would agree with the board on whatever decision they rendered. The City Secretary advised the property owners had visited with the building inspector and he advised them they needed a setback variance. Discussion continued. A concern that was addressed was what would keep the property owners at a future date from enclosing the garage. City Administrator advised the property owners could not enclose it at the variance is only for the setback. I Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Closed. BOA MINUTES 10/09/97 PAGE2 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request on property legally described as Hampton Addition, Block 12, (N 1/2 of E 65' of W 126'), Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. Recessed for a few minutes to allow the City Secretary to call property owners to ask if it would have a concrete foundation. City Secretary returned after her call and advised that the property owner stated it was a double carport, no concrete foundation, and free standing (18 x 20 with 4 poles). Motion was made by Francile Sullivan to Approve the Variance Request on property legally described as Hampton Addition, Block 12 (N 1/2 of E 65' ofW 126"), Lot 2, also known as 912 Willow. Seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion Carried with Ben Weatherall abstaining. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Russell Madden requested that in the future property owners need to make a legible drawing indicating setbacks and an official request as to what they are actually building. 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Fred Yeatts to Adjourn. Seconded by Russell Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. Approved