10/23/1997-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Board of Adjustment October 23, 1997 PRESENT: Fred Yeatts, Andy Gana, Russell Madden, Allen Sweeney ABSENT: Francile Sullivan, Bobbye Robison OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Ken and Evelyn Shaw 1. Chairperson Yeatts Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Minutes of last meeting (October 9, 1997) were not available for approval. City Secretary advised she would include them at the next Board of Adjustment meeting. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Property Setback Variance Request on property legally described as W.E. Henry Industrial, Lot Tract 1, part of the original Abstract 1241A, Tract 230, located at Austin Street and Interstate 35. Chairperson Yeatts Declared Public Hearing Opened. Ken Shaw provided the board with sketches on what be was requesting on his setbacks. Chairperson Yeatts Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Property Setback Variance Request on property legally described as W.E. Henry Industrial, Lot Tract 1, part of the original Abstract 1241A, Tract 23, located at Austin Street and Interstate 35. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Approve Property Setback Variance Request on property legally described as W.E. Henry Industrial, Lot Tract 1, part of the original Abstract 1241A, Tract 23, located at Austin Street and Interstate 35. Seconded by Allen Sweeney. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. None. I BOA MINUTES 10/23/97 6. Adjournment. Motion was made Russell Madden. Seconded by Allen Sweeney. Motion Carried unanimously. Approved PAGE2