05/07/1998-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustment May 7, 1998 PRESENT: Ben Weatherall, Russell Madden, Francile Sullivan, Allen Sweeney, Andy Garza ABSENT: Fred Yeatts, Sam Burrus OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Burl Bourland 1. Acting Chairperson Ben Weatherall Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -from March 26, 1998 Motion was made by Francile Sullivan to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Russell Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on Rear Property Setback (91/2 feet) on property legally described as Lot 30, Block 3, Snider Addition, located at Laney and Brooke. Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Opened. Mr. Burl Bourland addressed the Board. He indicated this is a comer lot, and it is curbed. It is difficult to place a 1,200 square foot house with a two car garage. Mr. Bourland indicated his request was for 4½ feet from rear setback. The Board was concerned since Mr. Bourland's letter indicated 9½ feet. Mr. Bourland indicated he only needed 4 1/2. Discussion continued on the setback requirements, and the City Secretary did advise that 20' building line was 20 feet from the front, and a 15' utility easement over in the back, which 7 1/2 goes to each lot. There was confusion as to whether the 20' setback applies to the front and back. Mr. Bourland stated that all the homes out there are 20' setbacks, and he still indicated his request was for 4 1/2 feet. City Administrator indicated that staff did not have any objections. Russell Madden indicated he had come in with the idea he was not going to approve this request unless Mr. Bourland could come up with a compelling reason. The compelling BOA MINUTES 05/07/98 size he has to build. PAGE2 Ben Weatherall indicated his reason was if Mr. Bourland had not changed his request from 9 1/2' to 4'h', he would not even want to discuss it. Mr. Bourland does not have a choice, he can not build a smaller house due to the minimum size required. Discussion. Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Variance Request on Rear Property Setback (9'h feet) on property legally described as Lot 30, Block 3, Snider Addition, located at Laney and Brooke. Motion was made by Allen Sweeney that if with the minimum size house required he could not build there then they should grant the 4 1/2' setback. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Meeting Adjourned.