05/21/1998-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustment May 21, 1998 PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Allen Sweeney, Francile Sullivan, Ben Weatherall, Russell Madden Andy Garza, Fred Yeatts, Sam Burrus City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Sid Hollingsworth, Eric R. Smith, John Payne, Ann Weatherall, Mrs. Sweetman 1. Acting Chairperson Weatherall Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Russell Madden to wait until the May 28th meeting to Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on Rear Property Setback (12½ feet) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 38. Acting Chairperson Weatherall Declared the Public Hearing Opened. Discussion. The board had questions regarding this item. There were two other citizens, Mrs. Weatherall and Mrs. Swetman who addressed concerns on the building. While the board waited for City Secretary to contact someone from the church, they began to discuss some of the preliminary issues on the Kwik Lube variance request. John Payne, Pastor of the Church of Christ, arrived later and addressed the board and apologized for being late, however, he thought the elders of his church would be at the meeting to address this issue. Mr. Payne continued to discuss the Topo of the diagram to scale of the structure that they are requesting a variance for. The structure will be 175' long by 100' wide on the property. Mr. Payne indicated that a while back they requested a specific use permit from the P&Z and were granted one to construct a post office or a church. Mr. Payne indicated in a discussion in one of their conversations with one of the elders and Chuck Tucker they were informed this was under residential zoning and the property setbacks for the area is 25' off the property line. The reason for this stipulation was for opposing traffic around corners. I BOA MINUTES 05/21/98 PAGE2 There are city easements 13 feet on the west side, 22 feet on the east side, and 23 feet on the north side. The building is 175 feet long, and their concern is on the east and west side. There is a 12½' space between the new structure and the property line on either side, and if you include 22' on the east side and 13' on the west side, then on the west side you will have 25' to the street, and on the east side 34½ feet, and the north side and one side has 36' to property line, and one has 26' to property line, and 23' to the street. On the north side the amount of room to the actual street will be a total of 49'; west side 25' and on the east 34½'. The ditch itself is encompass in the staggered line section is and included. This structure is to include an auditorium to the west side, and the east side will be classrooms (2-story facility), and in the middle will be community gymnasium and a fellowship facility. The reason to place the building this way is financial and aesthetics. By placing the building in this direction it will allow adequate parking. There will be a drive thru on the north side of the building with an awning. It will have two posts on each side. If the parking becomes a problem at a later date there is a set of doors on the south side they can set an awning and put in parking. It would include a paved driveway, and as much room to possibly include handicap parking, and presently the intention is to leave the area as it is now to utilize it for youth camp outs, volleyball, etc. Discussion on the construction of the structure which will be slab floor, steel building. The sanctuary area will have 3 foot brick around it, and consideration is being given to brick the entire building. Discussion followed on the setbacks, and Ben Weatherall inquired as to why consideration was not given in designing the structure to meet setback requirements. Mr. Payne indicated the original design was to go north and south, however, this would have created problems in parking, and the entrance distance from the existing church facility. Discussion. Russell Madden asked if there was a possibility that 5th Street would ever be widened. City Administrator indicated the state owns the right of way and the state has gone as far as they can go unless they buy additional property. BOA MINUTES 05/21/98 PAGE3 Discussion followed. Then there were questions on the roof layout. Mr. Payne left to bring back the layout of the facility so the board could review the plans. Staff did not have objections to the variance request. Acting Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Variance Request on Rear Property Setback (12½ feet) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 38. Motion was made by Francile Sullivan to Grant the Variance Request for the Church of Christ. Seconded by Allen Sweeney. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Setback Variance on property described as being part of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Abstract 1241A. Acting Chairperson Weatherall Declared Public Hearing Opened. Sid Hollingsworth addressed the board stating that his request is for visibility purposes, and they would like 15' to 18' on the west side. The reason being that if a car pulled up they could see. It is not for structure, but drive space. The structure will face FM455, and they will add about approximately $600,000 to $700,000 to the City's tax roll. Ben Weatherall stated that this was not a condition or consideration to granting the variance. Discussed. Acting Chairperson Declared Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Setback Variance on property described as being part of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Abstract 1241A. Motion was made by Allen Sweeny to Grant Setback Variance. Seconded by Russell Madden. Staff did not have any objections. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Any Other Such Matters. None. 8. Adjourned. Approved I