06/25/1998-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Board of Adjustment June 25, 1998 PRESENT: Russell Madden, Ben Weatherall, Fred Yeatts, Francile Sullivan, Andy Garza MEMBERS ABSENT: Sam Burrus, Allen Sweeney OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Chairperson Yeatts Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request on Property Setbacks on property legally described as Indian Springs, Block C, Lot 13, also known as 2510 Chippewa Trail. Chairperson Yeatts Declared Public Hearing Opened. Discussion followed on this request. The concerns expressed by the board was the subdivision had to be upgraded to accommodate a SF-1 zoning. Mr. Fontenot addressed the board and expressed that he needed a setback variance from 15' to 14' to accommodate the size home he intends to build. Lengthy discussion followed and concerns expressed as to whether they would set a precedence for other property owners in the subdivision. Chairperson Yeatts Declared Public Hearing Closed. 3. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Variance Request Property Setbacks on property legally described as Indian Springs, Block C, Lot 13, also known as 2510 Chippewa Trail. Motion was made by Russell Madden to Deny the Variance Request. Seconded by Francile Sullivan. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Motion to Adjourn was made by Francile Sullivan. Seconded by Russell Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. Approved