02/11/1999-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Board of Adjustments February 11, 1999 PRESENT: Ben Weatherall, Ken Perry, Jimmy Evans, Francille Sullivan, Andy Garza ABSENT: Russell Madden OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Jerry Jenkins 1. Ben Weatherall called meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Building Line Setback Variance Request on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940 McKinney and Williams, and the R. Burleson Survey Abstrat 71, Being 4.872 Acres. City Secretary Rose Chavez indicated Nim Ashley was not present, and at the time of his request she specifically advised him to be at the meeting. Ben Weatherall indicated he had a lot of questions concerning the request, and asked the City Secretary to call Mr. Ashley. Ben Weatherall called a recess for her to go call him. Reconvened after recess. City Administrator indicated they spoke with Mr. Ashley, and he apologized for not being at the meeting, he had a family conflict. Mr. Smith indicated Mr. Ashley wanted to move this closer to the back of the property so he would not have as much to mow. He planned on having the building run North and South, but could turn the building if the request was not granted. Discussion concerning where the property is located. Ben Weatherall asked if there were any future plans for utility easements along the back of that property. Staff indicated they were not aware of any. Discussion. Ben Weatherall asked if staff had an opinion concerning this request. City Secretary indicated variances are to be granted when there is hardship, and to her knowledge there is not a hardship in this case. Discussion regarding setback requirements. Public Hearing Closed. 3. Consider and Posible Action Regarding a Building Line Setback Variance Request on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940 McKinney and Williams, and the R. Burleson Survey Abstrat 71, Being 4.872 Acres. Francille Sullivan moved to deny the request. Jimmy Evans seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Francille Sullivan moved to adjourn. Ken Perry seconded. Motion Carried. Approved I