07/15/1999-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JULY 15, 1999 PRESENT: Russell Madden, Ken Perry, Jimmy Evans, Sherrie Lewis, Bobby Frizzell ABSENT: Mike James, Rodney Dillon OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Allie Petty, Duane Brown 1. Russell Madden Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of a Chairperson. Motion was made by Jimmy Evans to nominate Russell Madden. Ken Perry seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request concerning setbacks on property located at 205 11 th St. This property is legally described as Abstract 1241, Tierwester Survey, Tract 153. Purpose for request is to add on to existing storage building. Russell Madden informed Board of what happened at the last meeting, that there was a vote of two (2) to one (1) and, one (1) person abstained. He informed them that the City Attorney had advised to reschedule the meeting and vote again. Discussion regarding the height of the building, and the location of the building on the lot. Discussion regarding how the property is platted and the building lines. Staff advised Board the property would have to be replatted if it was ever sold, but as long as both lots are owned by the same person they do not have to replat it. The size of the building complies with the ordinances, the only issue is the setbacks. Discussion regarding the percentage of the lot the building will cover. Jimmy Evans moved to accept the request. Sherrie Lewis seconded. Motion Carried 4 to 1, Russell Madden voted no. 4. Any Other Such Matters. a) Jack Smith addressed the Board regarding their responsibilities, he indicated the Board had asked for this earlier in the year, he indicated the Board was to act as an arbitration against two parties. One party is the City and the other party is the individual requesting the variance. The City will always be for what the Ordinance states. He also advised that by law the only way you can abstain is if it will financially affect you. Discussion. b) Jerry Jenkins thanked the new members for accepting their positions on the Board. c) Discussion on importance of the Board. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approved