11/24/1998-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION NOVEMBER 24,1998 PRESENT: Terry Jones, Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Chuck Tucker, Woodrow Barton, Steve Hollingsworth. ABSENT: Beverly Howard OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith and City Secretary Rose Chavez 1. Discuss and Possible Action on Appointment of Officers. Mr. Smith proceeded to discuss the By-Laws and indicated the board could make changes. Mr. Smith indicated be was the registered agent for the board and be will be responsible for all materials that will be given to them. Discussed how the funds can be spent. Discassed term of office. Discussed posting of meetings and the minutes will be public record. Mr. Smith recommended they contract with someone to take min ates, post agendas, and do accounting for $100.00 a month. Continued with nominations. Terry Jones nominated Nel Armstrong for president. Woodrow Barton Seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. Steve Hollingsworth nominated Terry Jones for Vice President. Chuck Tucker seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. Woodrow Barton nominated Beverly Howard for Secretary/freasurer. Steve Hollingsworth seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. Steve Hollingsworth moved to contract with a city employee for secretary services for the 4B board for $100.00 a month. Chuck Tucker seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed By-Laws. Nel Armstrong had a question concening the expenses, she asked if the by-laws stated that all expenses should be approved by the board. Woodrow Barton moved to have up to $200.00 approved by three memben of the board, and anything above that be presented to the board. Chuck Tucker seconded. Discussed signatures on checks. Discussed delegation of authority, and investment officer. Beverly Branch wanted the investment officer to be someone other than a board member, and possibly someone with the city. Nel Armstrong indicated she also would like to see someone with the City serve as the investment officer. Woodrow Barton indicted the by-laws said the meetings would be held on the first Thunday of each month, and it could be a conflict with the Planning and Zoning meetings. Discussed the best day to schedule meetings. Woodrow Barton moved to schedule the meetings on the fourth Thunday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Beverly Bnnch seconded. Motion Carried uunimously. Terry Jones moved to dispense with the December meeting. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Discussed depository, and auditing the 4B funds along with the City's funds. Board agreed to use the City's depository. Discussed what to do with the fint check. Board agreed to put the check in an interest bearing checking account or the best type of account that will gain the most interest. Discussed what would be on the agenda for the next meeting. Nel Armstrong indicated if any board member wanted a particular item on the agenda to get it to the City secretary at least five days prior to the meetings. Board agreed to put on the agenda "Citizen's Input". 3. Any Other Such Matters. None. 4. Adjoun. Approved