10/25/1999-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION OCTOBER 25,1999 PRESENT: NelArmstrong, Glenn Ervin, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch, Terry Jones ABSENT: Randy Thompson, Chuck Tucker OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Julia Beaven, Curtis Gilley, Jayne Aschcraft 1. Net Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: August 26, 1999 Disbursements. Glenn Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Steve Hollingsworth seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Engineering Fees for Railroad Park. Net gave a brief summary if what was discussed at the last City Council meeting concerning the engineering cost being less than $7,000.00. Jack Smith indicated he had spoken to Mark Hill with Hunter Associates, concerning the study. Mark Hill indicated if the Board decides tonight to proceed with the study they will be in town this week working on another project for the city, so they could begin the study on Railroad Park also. Discussion. Net indicated the engineering study would consist of the two existing fields, the parking lot, drainage, engineering, drafting and layout. Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to approve up to $7,000.00 for engineering fees at Railroad Park. Terry Jones seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Discussion followed, issues addressed were: a) dirt to get the park to grade and the expense. b) that the existing fields were not built high enough. c) adequate drainage. d) cost estimates were presented by Julia Beaven to the Board. e) completion of engineering project could possibly be done by the end of November. Net asked Mr. Smith if be had any information concerning the grant and if there was any other company that could rewrite the grant. Mr. Smith indicated he ad not done anything since nothing could be sent until January; however, he has contacted Richard Huckaby (City of Corinth) and he expects to get some information. Steve Hollingsworth indicated that is his undentanding from the Parks Board that they r do not want to pursue the grant, but proceed with what can be built. Beverly Branch indicated if they could get the two fields, concession stand and parking lot finished then they could apply for the grant for the bells and whistles. Discussion followed. Nel expressed concern regarding the 4B funds, she felt that all the funds should not be spent on this project, especially since the City is not wiling to help. Nel felt this project should be a joint project between the City Council and the 4B Board. Discussion continued regarding 4B funds available for this project. Nel expressed that the Parb Board should continue with their project with the 4B backing the project one step at a time. Discussion. Nel indicated the engineering has to be done, and once it is complete they will set up a meeting and move forward to the next step. Nel expressed that as long as the Parb Board coordinates with Mr. Smith as to the progress, he will schedule when the Board can meet. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Investing Funds in Certificate of Deposit. Discussion on the 4B funds, and taking the money from the checking account to Certificates of Deposit. Terry Jones moved to move funds to an interest bearing Certificate of Deposit. Steve Hollingsworth seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Julia Beavers approached the Board to possibly consider as their next project to purchase park equipment for the other existing parb. Julia left brochures for the Board to review. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Approved