05/04/2000-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION MAY4,2000 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin, Terry Jones, Steve Hollingsworth ABSENT: John Payne, Randy Thompson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez 1. Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: March 27, 2000 Disbursements. City Secretary explained the balance on the accounts on the Certificate of Deposit, and the checking account. Glenn Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Expending Funds for Fill Dirt. City Secretary indicated this item needs to be postponed, she explained that at the City Council meeting on May 4, 2000, the Council agreed to re bid the fill dirt. She advised the board that the bid will be prepared by the City Engineer as it should have been done from the beginning, it will be re published as soon as it is reviewed. City Secretary explained the bid and the requirements concerning the bid. This item will be discussed and a decision made at the first City Council meeting in June. Discussion on the cost of the project. Steve Hollingsworth expressed concern for the cost of the dirt. Lengthy discussion followed. Steve Hollingsworth expressed that to improve that site would be ridiculous when land could be purchased for less money. He indicated that they could purchase 10 acres for ball fields cheaper than improving the land at this site. Nel again explained that it is not the responsibility of the 4B Board to decide what needs to be done. The board only decides whether or not to fund the project. Steve Hollingsworth indicated that a decision needs to be made on whether the 4B Board wants to spend $80,000.00 on this project. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the cost of this project and the property. Steve Hollingsworth indicated there is no way he can vote to spend $80,000.00 to fill that property which is a "junk yard". Beverly Branch indicated that a lot of the dirt has been donated. City Manager indicated that he needed to know where the dirt was located so he could arrange to pick it up and haul it to the site. Discussion continued on the dirt needed for Railroad Park. Another issue discussed was the possibility of using the landfill on Utility Rd. for parks. Steve Hollingsworth continued to express his opposition. Beverly Branch expressed concens on the donations all ready pledged towards this park, and possibly losing these donations due to the delays. Nel Armstrong explained that the 4B Board's discussion is only whether to fu nd the project or not. City Secretary explained that it was the City Council who approved that this project be re-bid. No Action taken, Item postponed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Expending Funds to Architects Phelps/Wood for Providing Construction Documents on the Ballpark Concession Pavilion, for a Maximum of $4,000.00. Discussion on the type of structure to be built and the construction plans. Phelps/Wood are the architects who are providing the construction documents on the ball park concession pavilion. The cost and the building was discussed. City Manager indicated the building would be a two story. Eight sided building and explained to the Board that they could approve $2,000 to get plans for a square building, or $4,000.00 for a nice building or elaborate as they called it. He indicated all the materials for the building had been donated. Beverly Branch made a motion to spend the $4,000.00 for the construction documents on the Ballpark Concession stand. Seconded by Terry Jones. Motion carried, Steve Hollingsworth voted no. 5. Any Other Such Matten. None. 6. Adjoun. Approved