05/29/2001-4B-Minutes-RegularMINIUTES: 48 BOARD MAY 29, 2001 PRESENT: Net Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin, Randy Thompson, Steve Hollingsworth ABSl~NT: John Payne, Terry Jones OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant/ Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz 1. Net Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: September 19, 2000 Disbursements. Nel asked City Manager about the expenses to Conley Sand and Gravel. Beverly Branch moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Glenn Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues Involving Railroad Park. a) Contractual City Manager indicated John Henderson is with his wife who is having a baby. He indicated Mr. Conley is still hauling dirt and gravel, if the amount exceeds $15,000.00 it does need to be bid out. Discussion. Glenn Ervin indicated he would like to know how much has been hauled, and what it has cost. Discussed bills from Conley Sand & Gravel, $7,299.75 was paid in November for hauling dirt, $8,000.00 was for Dex base for the parking lot, John was supposed to bring the $8,000.00 invoice to the board; however, it was paid by the board before the board approved it. Nel indicated she felt the board should pay the $8,000.00 but John should be instructed to make sure to bring it to the board prior to paying it in the future. Glenn Ervin indicated be did not have a problem paying $8,000.00 to get thb park completed. Discussion regarding funds spent on the park. Steve Hollingsworth expressed concerns regarding the concession stand and if it will ever be built as planned. Randy Thompson indicated the 4B Board is supposed to approve funds for projects brought to them; however, the projects are not being brought to them. Discussion regarding the dirt at the park. j, } i I '.J \ ,. Nel Armstrong indicated the only thing they were concerned about on this board is paying the bills. She also wanted to get things done, but it is not there job to get things done, its there job to pay the bills. Glenn Ervin asked the City Manager if he could get John to get back up there and do what needs to be done to get the park completed. Beverly Branch moved to pay the $8,000.00 and that John Henderson be instructed that he is to bring projects before the board before they are completed, Glenn Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. b) Equipment Rental City Manager indicated John wishes to rent a front end loader to load the dirt into the trucks to be hauled to the park. Nel asked Jack to check with Wal-mart to see if they will load dirt for us. City Manager indicated he would check but there are several different companies out there. Nel asked for a motion on whether or not to rent the front end loader to haul the dirt. Discussion. Nel asked if it would be okay to get the figures and poll the board regarding the estimate on the rental of equipment. City Manager indicated it would be illegal. Nel indicated they would call another meeting once they got the figures. Discussion regarding the dirt and loading it. Nel indicated they could authorize $2,500.00 for rental and if that doesn't work, call another meeting. Glen moved to authorize $2,500.00 to rent a front end loader to haul the dirt to Railroad Park , Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Any Other Such Matters. Randy Thompson asked if there was a project coordinator for the park. City Manager indicated John Henderson was head of the parks department. Steve Hollingsworth asked what it would take to have someone come in to look at the engineering plans and tell the city what needs to be done with the park. City Manager indicated we could bid it and find out. Discussed Summer League responsibilities and what they have done. Beverly Branch indicated the Parks Board has gotten the donations of material for the concession stand, and some volunteers for labor. Discussion. City Manager indicated there was red water coming out of the ground and it had to be tested thru TNRCC, the concession stand has to have a permit before it can be j (, l '? i ., ' ' built. Nel Armstrong indicated the City did have permission to put the park on the landfill form TNRCC, they may have changed their rules, but that doesn't affect what was done. City Manager indicated he called Austin, they indicated lights could be put up, and the concession stand could be built if it was not enclosed. He advised him it would be enclosed and the gentleman indicated it would be okay as long as they got a permit. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Approved ., 1 1 · I l I r ! : )