11/29/2001-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION
NOVEMBER 29, 2001
PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Terry Jones, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin, Randy Thompson,
John Payne
ABSENT: Steve Hollingsworth
PRESENT: City Manager Jack.Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez
1. Net Armstrong Called Meeting to Order.
2. a)
Approve Minutes: October 23, 2001
Discussion regarding the Financial report, and the expected revenues form sales taL
City Secretary indicated the reason this meeting was called is that Jim Conley was
going to do some work on the park. The board had approved up to $15,000.00. Then
the gravel was done for $8,000.00, and John thought it was included in the $15,000.00.
There is now an additional expense of $4900.00. Without the gravel they have not
reached the $15,000.00.
Net Armstrong asked how much this would put them at.
City Secretary indicated she did not have the information with her, but she could look
it up.
Discussion regarding the gravel and the expenditures at Railroad Park.
Nel indicated if the motion is made to approve the Consent Agenda, they will be
approving the $4,900.00 that is owed to Jim Conley. This will take them close to the
$15,000.00. Anything else that he does will have to come before the board.
Beverly Branch moved to approve the Consent Agenda including the $4900.00 to Jim
Conley. John Payne seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input.
4. Any Other Such Matters.
Beverly Branch gave an update on the baseball fields. She indicated the gentleman that
came to look at the fields gave an estimate to finish the two ball fields at around
City Secretary indicated they cannot get a firm price until they send out for actual bids.
Nel Armstrong indicated when site was Mayor they set aside $350,000.00 to build tile
library, the bid came in at $370,000.00. She talked the Council into building it
themselves and not hiring a contractor. They built and furnished the building for about
$325,000.00. She felt the city could complete the park for a lot less money. It will take
a little longer, but they've waited this long already.
John Payne indicated he felt the main obstacle they had was that they did not have
anyone in charge of the project. They need one person that can make decisions and be
in charge.
Nel felt there should be a meeting of the Parks Board and the little league group, with
the 4B Board and City CounciL They need to get together to make a plan.
Lengthy Discussion regarding the park project and the plans for the park.
Nel Armstrong asked if staff had cheeked with any other cities regarding park plans.
City Secretary indicated she bad spoken with the City of Denton regarding their park
plans, and they indicated they hired someone to put the plan together and then bid it
Beverly Branch indicated at previous meetings the board indicated they wanted to get
this park off of the agendas, and the best way was to get someone to come in and
complete it.
Nel indicated that all the City has to do is schedule a meeting and ask the board to
spend $30,000.00 on the plan. She indicated then if they vote to do it they can proceed.
City Secretary indicated they did not put it on the agenda because they felt the
preliminary part of it should be prepared first.
Net indicated these things need to be approved by the board prior to the work being
City Secretary indicated she felt the board had given her the go ahead at the last
Discussion continued.
Nel indicated staff should set up a meeting with the consultant so they can work out
details and find out what needs to be done.
Shew indicated she felt there should be a meeting between the Parks Board, Little
League people, the 4B Board, and the City Council to discuss the plan for the park.
Beverly Branch indicated at the last meeting everyone agreed to proceed with the bids
on the park.
City Secretary indicated we could not get a bid package together, there wasn't anyone
familiar enough with it to do it.
Lengthy discussion regarding the Park project and consultants.
Nel indicated staff should run an ad for bids on a consultant to draw up plans on the
S. Meeting Adjourned.