08/08/2002-4B-Minutes-Regular (2)MINUTES: 4B CORPORATION AUGUST 8, 2002 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Thomas Muir, John Payne, Glenn Ervin Steve Hollingsworth, Terry Jones ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson 1. Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) Approve Minutes: Disbursements CONSENT AGENDA May 13, 2002 Beverly Branch moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Thomas Muir seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues/Expenditures Regarding Railroad Park. John Henderson updated the board on the sprinkler system at Railroad Park, and indicated he would like the board's approval to proceed with the fill dirt and grading. He indicated he needed six or seven inches more fill because he wants to cover the rocks. He presented 2 proposals to the board: Conley Sand & Gravel GIT Trucking, Inc. $12,025.00 $10,600.00 1300 yards delivered and graded 1250 yards delivered and graded John Henderson indicated he did not have a problem with either company doing the work. Discussion regarding the difference in the number of yards quoted. John indicated each contractor looked at the job and they bid the amount they felt would be needed. Nel asked if the job requires more dirt will they each do it for the price quoted. John Henderson indicated they would and that both contractors bid more than they thought was necessary to make sure it would be covered. Discussion regarding the contractors. Glenn Ervin moved to award the bid to Gff Trucking. Beverly Branch seconded. Discussed what was needed to complete the park. John Henderson indicated they still need bleachers, and concrete work on the walkways. John Henderson indicated he also had a quote on the concession stand walk-way for $3800.00. John Payne indicated the baseball association has quite a bit of money. Last year they were still using old equipment. They need to help with the concession stand. Nel indicated the summer league indicated they would build the concession stand. Discussion continued. Nel asked how much was pledged on the park project. City Secretary indicated they pledged $325,000.00. City Secretary reminded the board that what they had decided at a previous meeting was to proceed with the funds that they had on both the Wal-mart project and the park project. If they needed additional funds they had discussed that they would borrow the money. John Payne indicated he felt they would be able to pay all of the obligations without borrowing the money as long as the funds continue to come in as they have been. Discussed lighting. John Payne indicated if there is anyway to get lighting on these fields he would like to see the city make every effort to do it. Lengthy Discussion regarding the lighting. John Henderson indicated he was trying to get a quote on bleachers for the field at the community center. Discussed possibility of getting the school's ballfields. Motion carried unanimously to award the bid to GIT Trucking. Discussion regarding the slab for the concession stand and the walk way around it. Nel Armstrong indicated the Parks Board needed to get together with the Summer League and see if they agree to commit with the 4B on a cost to construct the concession stand. John Payne indicated he felt all of the concrete should be done at the same time. He also indicated they should think about irrigation at the same time. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Expenditure Regarding Infrastructure to Wal-Mart. City Secretary indicated they were about $66,000.00 short on this project. She is planning to approach the City Council to see if they will allow her to use funds from the tap fees. Discussion regarding the 4B commitments. 6. Meeting Adjourned.