04/25/2002-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B Board November 25, 2002 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, John Payne, Steve Hollingsworth, Thomas Muir ABSENT: Glenn Ervin, Terry Jones OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Hendenon 1. Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: August 8, 2002 Disbursements John Payne inquired as to what has been expended on the Park and the Wal-mart project. He indicated he had signed several checks this past month, and was not sure of the reasons for the dispersals. Nel Armstrong explained the majority of those checks were for approved expenditures on the Wal-mart project. Beverly Branch moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Thomas Muir seconded, motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues/Expenditures Regarding Railroad Park. John Henderson showed diagram of concession stand. Nel indicted when the park was started and the board dedicated money, it was supposed to be a joint project between the board and the summer league. The summer league said they would do the concession stand. She thought they decided to go with a plain concession stand. John Henderson indicated they did take off the second story, he had received a quote, on the frame for $32,000.00. The brick has been donated. Beverly Branch indicated the donations that were committed to previously, may not still be there because of the length of time this has taken. Nel Armstrong indicated that she felt it could be done for a lot less money. Felt they should go more moderate and make it serviceable. Discussion regarding the design of the concession stand. Discussed the planned layout of the concrete. Discussed that they should go ahead and fill in the grassy areas, with concrete or rock. John Payne indicated his main concern was how much money was sitting in Sanger Summer League Checking account. He thought the board had the ability to say we have dedicated time and expense toward building this field, with the understanding that the Summer league would help with the cost, and they have not paid anything. He felt the board should let them know it was time for them to help. Discussion continued regarding the summer league's participation. John Payne indicated they should have a joint meeting with the summer league, 4B Board, and Parks Board. Discussed the concrete work and ADA requirements. Discussed proposals. John Henderson indicated he would like to get going with the bids for the concession stand and tlatwork. Discussion continued regarding concession stand and restrooms. City Manager, Jack Smith, indicated he felt this is something that will be around forever, and that when it is built, it should be done in a way that Sanger will be proud of, and not regret in the future. He suggested they bid both the octagon and the rectangle. Discussion continued, and the board again suggested having a meeting with the Summer League to see if they will help with the concession stand. Discussion regarding landscaping and water. John Payne moved to call a meeting for the 4B Board, Parks Board and Summer League for discussion of completion of Railroad Park. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Steve Hollingsworth moved to give John Henderson the go ahead to bid for the flat work, excluding the slab. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion Carried unanimously •• Nel Armstrong asked for a report on exactly how the funds have been spent. Discussed to meet with all boards on December 9, 2002. Discussed previously spent funds. Samantha Renz indicated there was also an expenditure for lighting. Expenses discussed. Beverly moved to pay $8100 for light poles, Thomas Muir seconded. John Payne asked if there was only 12 holes. John Henderson indicated there were 16, and Mike had indicated that he already had some of the poles. Motion carried unanimously. City Manager indicated Terry Jones would probably need to be removed from the Board, and asked the board to submit any recommendations for replacement. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approved