02/13/2003-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION FEBRUARY 13, 1003 PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Glenn Ervin, Beverly Branch, John Payne MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Lawler, Thomas Muir, Steve Hollingsworth OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Smith, City Manager, Rose Chavez, Secretary/ Assistant City Manager, Mike Prater, Electric Supt. and John Henderson, Street Supt. 1. Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: November 25, 2002 b) December 9, 2002 Motion was made by Beverly Branch to approve Consent Agenda as presented. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. 3. Citizen's Input City Secretary advised the Board of the auditor's (Bill Spore) requirements for future project expenditures. He is recommending that in the future when t•e Board pays for projects the monies need to be transferred to the General Fund. This will simplify the audit in capitalizing the improvements for Railroad Park. The Board expressed no objections to the auditor's recommendation. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Issues/Expenditures Regarding Railroad Park. John Henderson, Street Supt. gave his presentation with a full scale plan on the construction of the concrete pad for the bleachers and sidewalb for the Railroad Park. Discussion included the square footage of the concrete that was needed. The bid publication and the award of the bid. Board Member John Payne asked questions in regards to what other work bad to be completed prior to the concrete work being done. John Henderson indicated the electric and plumbing had to be completed and that Mike Prater, Elect. Supt. Would address the electric. D1scuss1on. John Payne asked what was the status on the electric. Mike Prater, Elect. Supt. Indicated he was ready to proceed but was needing approval from the board for the expenditures to order the equipment. Mike indicated the poles are already in and paid for by the Board. Mike Prater presented an estimated proposal of $20,453.90 to finish the lights at the park. John Payne inquired as to the time frame that once the lights were ordered, how long would it take to get evetyttling finisbed. Discussion continued. John Payne made the motion to approve the estimated expenditure of$20,4S3.90 for the electrical supplies for the Railroad Park. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion Carried. John Payne made the motion to proceed to pay for the plumbing proposal from Jay Parr of $2,900. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Discuued the advertisement of bids. The cost of concrete.. John Payne informed the Board, he had been advised by the head of the baseball commission that the Sanger Summer League would be the responsible for the building of the concession stand. They have been pursuing donations and labor to complete the project. The billboard signs were discussed and the electricity to those signs. Beverly Branch made a motion to send their recommendation on the plans for the concrete to council for their approval and to award the bids. Second Glenn Ervin .. Discuuion continued on the cost calculations of concrete. S. Adjournment. Approved