05/17/2005-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4B CORPORATION
May 17, 2005
PRESENT: Nel Armstrong, Kim Shaw, Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir, Tommy Kincaid
ABSENT: John Payne, Beverly Branch
PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Liz Springer, John
Springer, Mike James, Johnny Looper, Jan M. Looper
1. President Nel Armstrong called May 17, 2005 meeting to Order.
2. Approve minutes.
Motion made by Glenn Ervin to approve minutes. Seconded by Tommy Kincaid.
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input
4. Consider and Possible Action on Dispensing Funds for the Parks Improvement Project.
Discussion on the bids that were received.
Bids Received Osage -$39,935.SO includes handicap ramp, removal of sidewalk and
Discussion in regards to removal of sidewalk.
Discussed total amount of funds that were approved for this project; total was
Discussion regarding the bids for the lights.
Glenn Ervin moved to approve $98,950.50 for dispensing funds for Parks Improvement
Project as presented from following bids;
Osage -$39,935.SO Parking
Techline Inc. -$59,050.00 Lights
Seconded by Tommy Kincaid. Motion carried unanimously
S. Discussion on any Other Future Projects.
Tommy Kincaid inquired as to whether a surveillance camera has been installed at
Railroad Ave.
City Secretary indicated renovation of the Presbyterian Church will be starting in two
6. Meeting Adjourned.