10/27/2005-4B-Minutes-JointMINUTES: JOINT MEETING 4A AND 48 CORPORATION October 27, 2005 MEMBERS PRESENT: 4A Richard Muir, Vickie Jenkins, Bill Fuller, Carroll McNeill 4B Nel Armstrong, Kim Shaw, Beverly Bnnch, Tommy Kincaid, John Payne OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary /Assistant City Manager, Rose Chavez 1. President Armstrong called 48 meeting to order. President Muir called 4A meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on hiring of Economic Development Director. Discussion followed in scoring the applicants based on qualifications and education in each applicant. Lengthy discussion followed about incentive package parameten needed to be established. Both 4A and 48 memben indicated that the City should fund the incentive package in the 06-07 Budget. The Salary was discussed at length. President Muir included that possibly 4A would put $7,500.00 more dollan and the 48 could consider funding the same which bring the salary in a competitive market nnge. Discussion continued. It was indicated by all memben that the City offer the applicants or incentive package. This would allow this penon once employed to excel in his work to qualify for the additional monies in the incentive package. Benefits, tnvel, insunnce etc. were discussed. There was additional discussion concerning continuing funding this position and that the City should evaluate the salary and at that time possibly fund the entire salary with benefits. Discussion continued. Nel Armstrong made motion that the individuals that were chosen as the top candidates be from their resumes that were submitted and reviewed be scheduled for interviews. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. Approved