06/01/2006-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 4B SANGER, TX DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JUNE 1,2006 President Nel Armstrong, Glenn Ervin, John Springer, Thomas Muir, Beverly Branch Kim Shaw and John Payne Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, John Hendenon, Street/Parks Superintendent, Paul Edleman, Chairpenon Parks Board 1. President Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve of Minutes: May 4, 2006 Motion was made by Thomas Muir to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Discussion and Motion to Proceed with Quail Run Park Project in regards to Public Hearing and Public Notice. Paul Edelman addressed the Board concerning Phase I and Phase Il of the park project. Phase I included playground equipment, a pavilion and a bike rack, at a total cost of $52,074.00. Phase Il included a basketbaU structure and all equipment that is needed at a cost of $33,019.00. If 48 agrees to fund both projects and the extra parking project the cost would be $239,500. If the parking is not funded the cost for equipment for the park would be $85,093.00. They have contacted contracton to submit bid proposals; however, the contracton do not want to come and take the time to submit the proposal not knowing they are going to get the job or not. The estimate on the parking was arrived by taking the cost that was spent at the downtown park and breaking it down to get an initial cost on each parking area. Discussion on walking trails, the trees to be planted, and the benches. Thomas Muir inquired as to how did the St 70,000 that was discussed at the last meeting relate to this. Paul Edelman indicated that the $170,0N included $85,0N for Phase I and Phase D of the Quail Run Project. Discussion on the total cost of the completed project including Phase I, Phase II, Skate Park and the parking, which were estimated at above $324,0N. Paul Edelman indicated that the skate phase of this park, was removed due to consideration of placing the skate ramp in another park within the city. Thomas Muir asked how many parking spaces are in the park. Lengthy discussion continued on the parking spaces and the cost. Thomas Muir inquired if there was an idea about the traffic pattern and how would it be determined. Mr. Springer inquired as to how much initial planning went into this project. At the last meeting he understood the equipment was planned by an equipment company. Mr. Edelman indicated that he was correct. Mr. Springer asked that if they had a created plan themselves instead of having an equipment company to bid on it would the result have been any different. Mr. Edelman expressed that he did not know. The Parks Board is a recommending board. Mr. Edelman indicated that the Parks Board members did put a lot of thought into this project in regards to the cost and the location of the park. The concern is the amount of parking spaces and practice soccer fields. Discussion followed on parking standards and planning of projects. Mr. Springer indicated he would like a completed project that the community would appreciate. President Nel Armstrong expressed that the Board needs to be careful on how the funds are spent in any projects to assure projects are completed with cost savings and planning being considered. Paul Edelman inquired on the directions they need to take. Public Hearings were discussed in reference to the project and any other projects. Cecile Carson recommended that they have a work session to discuss various projects to fund next budget year, then the Board could pursue Public Hearings sometime in August. Mr. Springer made a motion to schedule a 4B workshop to discuss projects that the City may consider for funding in the next 1-3 years. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Board agreed for a called meeting to be scheduled on July 13. Thomas Muir inquired that if the 4B had 3-4 projects that were considered would a financial tool be considered to fund all the projects. City Secretary indicated the corporation could borrow funds for these fund projects. 4. Discuss and Possible Action on Transfer of Funds on the Salary for Director of Economic Development. City Secretary addressed the Board concerning a previous letter regarding the salary of the Economic Development Director. The Board had ordinally agreed to fund ½ of the $45,000.00 and Mr. Carson was hired on January 23, 2006. The City Secretary advised that the total amount to fund from this date to the end of the budget year would be $18,715.42. City Secretary advised that she needed direction on how much to transfer. Discussion. Thomas Muir inquired as to how the 4A voted. City Secretary indicated that they agreed to fund SOo/o the salary from January 23, to the end of the budget year and to fund SOo/o of the salary of $45,000.00 for another budgeted year. John Springer made the motion to fund SOo/o of the salary for the Economic Director from January to the end of this fiscal year and to fund SOo/o of the salary for the 06-07 budget year. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. 5. List of Future Agenda Items. Discussed and action taken on Item 3 for future agenda item. 6. Meeting Adjourned. _________ Approved