08/10/2006-4B-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: 4-B Sanger Texas Development Corporation August 10, 2006 Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Thomas Muir, John Payne, John Springer and Glen Ervin Kim Shaw Jack Smith, City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, Brent Chance, Nate and Wendy Cottle, Kem Green, Michael and Karen Dill 1. Presideqt Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Projects. President Nel Armstrong declared public hearing opened. Brent Chance, 306 Deer Run, addressed the Board and emphasized that the residents in that area are excited to finally get a park; however, they want to make it very clear they are strongly against the skate park. Mr. Chance indicated that the citizens feel that a skate park benefits only a small group of citizens. Mr. Chance expressed that they would like the Skate park to go in another designated area. This neighborhood has lots of small children which is a safety concern. The citizens are also concerned with tra~c and the noise that it would create. Mr. Chance indicated that Denton has a skate park and it is well supervised and it is there understanding this park will not be. There are 214 homes in that neighborhood and 103 signatures were on the petition he presented to the board that were against the skate park. Mr. Chance indicated that the Park's Board has never contacted the residents in that neighborhood as they have indicated, on this issue. John Payne inquired on the ages of the small children in the neighborhood. It was indicated by Mr. Chance that the children in the neighborhood were less than 10 yean of age. Discussion on the ages of the children and how old does a child have to be before they want to punue skate board roller skating. Nate Cottle, 309 Deer Run Drive, addressed the board and spoke against the skate park. He indicated he participated in the collection of the signatures. He advised that most of the residents that he approached were against the skate park. He also emphasized the lack of supervision. Thomas Muir inquired as to how many homes did this petition cover. Mr. Chance indicated about 50% which is about 110 or 115 homes, currently occupied. This included Mom and Dad signatures. Discussed that 150 homes were contacted. Michael Dill, 115 Teal indicated that the Park will be right in front of their home. They are happy that the park will be in that location; however, he expressed they are against the skate park for safety concerns and supervision. Kem Green, 1000 Keaton, indicated she does not live in the neighborhood. She addressed the board and reported that she has been made aware there are 60 to IN skate boarden in the city limits and there are 500 soccer playen that commute to Gainesville to play soccer. She emphasized the need to utilize those funds for soccer fields which accommodates more families. She indicated skate parks are a nuisance. Her profession in real estate sales does include Quail Run and those streets in that neighborhood are very crowded. There are also kids who travel to Denton to play soccer at the YMCA in Denton. Ms. Green emphasized the importance of soccer fields. John Payne inquired on where did Ms. Green get the statistics that there is around 100 skate boarden in the city and the 500 soccer playen. Ms. Green indicated that from Paul Eddleman (chairman of the Parks Board) gave her that information. Her concern lack of supervision and safety. Karen Dill also advised the Board she participated in getting the signatures. She expressed that she was against the Skate Board and the noise this would create.. These kids that do skate board are now doing more dangerous things. Glenn Jason, 129 Maned Drive, also spoke against the skate park. The main concern was the residents do not want this in their neighborhood due to the traffic concern. This is not what the developer told them that the park would be when they bought their home. John Springer inquired on the liability issues that the City would incur. Rose Chavez, City Secretary, advised that she had contacted TML the city's insurance carrier, and they did advise that the skate park is a liability risk. TML will insure the park; however, certain criteria needs to be established for safety issues to keep the city from being liable for injuries. Cecile Canon advised that last week in a conference she attended there were 6 cities addressing Graffti problems. Othen had vandalism problems with the skate park. Thomas Muir indicated that the time frame for the skate park was 2008-2009 and the Comprehensive Master Plan will be completed by that time and it will address whether it is appropriate for the size, location and liability. Cecile Carson indicated staff's recommendation is to implement Phase I on the Park and the other items for that park be placed on hold until the Comprehensive Master Plan is completed. This would give the city an opportunity for Park Planning on a community perspective. Discussion regarding the Projects in Phase I, II and m. The fund allocation for the skate park was discussed as well as the need not to remove the project and to research a better location. John Payne emphasized that this project can be masked with safety issues and liability issues. He is questioning the intent of this entire issue, and whether it was due to the persons who will use the facility. Mr. Payne indicated that 54 of the signatures on the petition came from 27 houses. He question the liability concern or whether the real issue was the class of people. The City has a public pool and that is a liability to the city. Discussion continued on not eliminating the Skate park but to find a location that would be centralized. This would allow time for research. Cecile Carson indicated there are many needs and issues for Parks in the community. The Comprehensive Plan process does include a review of what is available and will include recommendations of what the city needs. This will include surveying the users to find out needs for a skate park and soccer fields or other park activities. The development of an implementation strategy on which years to implement which projects was discussed. Discussion continued regarding the skate park and how they can succeed. City of Sherman has a skate park and it is successful. Cecile advised that at the last Board meeting the members voted to approve funding these projects, which authorized them to forward their recommendation to City Council. The state laws require 48 to conduct one Public Hearing. Discussion and concerns were expressed on the fund request on allowing adequate funding to complete this project from start to finish and the different phases for each project. Discussion from the public regarding not having adequate notice. Discussion that at the last meeting the board approved the projects and the monies. The Board did not decide to spend the funds all in one year. There was a request at the last meeting that staff provide a time line on the completion of projects. Discussion on the time line for the projects, other future project requests, and fmancing for other these projects. Thomas Muir emphasized the importance of the Comprehensive Master Plan. Citizens continued to express rejection to the skate park in their neighborhood. President Armstrong continued with the Public Hearing on the Presbyterian Church. Kem Green addressed the board in favor of this project. She inquired on the time fnme on the funds allocated and on the bidding process. Discussion on the bidding process and bidden whose expertise needs to be renovations of historical structures. The Board discussed what still needs to completed on the building. The last item on the Public Hearing was the analysis from Buxton Marketing. There was not any one who for or against this project. President Armstrong declared public hearing closed. 3. Discuss and Consider By-Law Amendments. Cecile Canon addressed this item and advised that in a review of the bylaws they do not reflect dates for actions to occur. Ms. Canon advised that in Section IV -4.05 -it currently indicates a specific date and time for their meetinp. Ms. Canon suggested that this be omitted from the by-laws since meetinp may vary. She also suggested the annual meeting be changed to July which coincides with the City Council board appointments. The officen serve a one year term from July through July of each year. The terms of the member are for two yean and may serve for an unlimited time. Discussed officen who were appointed last year. Motion was made by John Payne to adopt the Amendments as recommended. Seconded by Thomas Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Review Financials President Armstrong discussed the financials with the memben. 5. List of Future Agenda Items a. John Payne indicated that if they are paying somebody to take care of this Board at a SlN.00 a month, and that he signs the checks, that the memben need to have in their possession a copy of those minutes from the previous meeting and fmancials. He understood that there was a problem with the City Secretary last month but it makes perfect sense to him. City Secretary indicated that minutes have always been presented to the board and not having them was due to circumstances. She will make sure every month that the minutes and financials will be in their packets. b. John Springer indicated that at the last meeting they had one item that was deleted, which was SS,NO to UNT. Mr. Springer indicated years ago when be was with the school system in the department of special education they contracted with the University of North for services for two yean. The benefit they received in services was excellent. He felt it was wise to spend the SS,ON dollars for a foot in the door at the University. He emphasized that it would benefit Sanger. Nel Armstrong indicated that she undentood that this market analysis that Buxton Marketing was conducting was similar to this. Cecile Canon indicated UNT was proposing to conduct an analysis on incentive policies which would be different. There would be an opportunity to redefine this. Beverly Branch asked if a representative from the University could come and visit with the board on what they can do. Ms. Carson indicated that she can certainly bring someone to discuss this with the board. She also indicated this would promote free publicity for the city. Discussion followed on having a City website and possibly posting agendas on the Chamber Website. Discussed that staff is currently trying to get a City Website in place and posting agendas on the Chamber Website is not possible at this time due to stafrmg. Approved