09/11/2006-4B-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Members Present: Others Present: 4-8 Sanger Texas Development Corporation September 11, 2006 Nel Armstrong, Beverly Branch, Thomas Muir, John Payne, John Springer, Glenn Ervin, and Kim Shaw Jack Smith, City Manager; Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager; Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director 1. President Nel Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 13, 2006 August 10, 2006 Corrections were as follows: August 10, 2006 Minutes: • Item 2, Page 3 should reflect," Cecile Carson indicated there are many needs and issues" • Item 2, Page 4, second to the last sentence should reflect, "there was not anyone who spoke for or against this project" • Item 2, last paragraph, should reflect, "TML will insure the park" • Item 3, correct the spelling on the word "Discuss" • Second paragraph on Item 3 should reflect the correct statement, "The officers serve a one-year term from July through July of each year. The terms of the members are for two years and may serve an unlimited time" • Item 3, third paragraph, add the word "who" in the statement, "Discuss officers who were appointed last year." • Item 4(b ), third paragraph, correct spelling of "purposing" to "proposing" • On the last paragraph, take out the word "the" and insert "that" in the statement. Motion to approve minutes with changes. Seconded by Kim Shaw. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review Financials. City Secretary, Rose Chavez, reviewed with the Board asset accounts and expenditures. She advised that the Certificate of Deposit renewed at 7.S0°/4, effective September 1, 2006. On the Financial Reports, the City Secretary advised that on line item 76-6500 (Projects), the Economic Director's salary expense needed to be shifted to 76-5420, which would decrease the deficit budget balance on that line item. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Budget 2006/2007. *Consider Project with Univenity of North Texas City Manager, Jack Smith, briefed Board memben on the year-to-date revenues and expenditures as indicated in the financial regarding anticipated revenues and expenditures for next year. Discussed the line item for office supplies. City Secretary advised that the Economic Development Director was needing some office supplies and, if it was possible, to utili7.e the funds in that line item. Discussion followed. Board memben agreed that staff could utilize the $200.00 in office supplies toward the purchase of supplies for the Economic Development Director. Beverly Branch made motion to adopt budget for 2006/2007. Seconded by Kim Shaw. Motion carried unanimously. Consider Project with Univenity of North Texas. Cecile Canon advised that she had spoken to Rose concerning funds and there are funds in this year's budget to fund this project. Cecile Canon reported that she has been working with an informal group to get advice and opinions for economic development about current businesses and how to draw more business into the community. Cecile Canon reported that a survey would consist of getting information on the needs of businesses in the community, their opinions of the City, and the things that can benefit those businesses in order to retain them within the community. She has visited with different business ownen and the consensus was that this was an outside source that would be objective. Ms. Canon indicated that, in her convenation with Dr. Weinstein ofUNT, he indicated the study would include a general overview, identifying targets of opportunities, and a review of economic incentives from around the area that could attract new businesses. Ms. Canon advised that Dr. Bernard Weinstein often recommended cities he has studied to businesses he comes in contact with. This study can be funded under promotions in this year's budget or it could be included in next year's budget or the board can decline it. President Armstrong inquired if there was a difference between this study and the one approved for the Buxton analysis. Ms. Canon gave a brief overview of the Buxton study. It has similar background information, but the goals are different. The UNT study is about current businesses in the community and how to draw more business to Sanger. The other study reviews Sanger residents, how they spend their money, and what is needed to keep these monies in Sanger. Discussion followed concerning the two different studies and the impact that the UNT stady would have on Sanger. Thomas Muir made motion to set this aside in this current year's budget to fund up to SS,000 as requested by staff toward the UNT research. Beverly Branch seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Officen as Required in the By-Laws Section 5.02. President: Motion made by Beverly Branch to nominate Nel Armstrong as President. Seconded Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Vice-President: Motion made by Kim Shaw to nominate John Springer. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary/freasurer: Motion made by Glenn Ervin to nominate Thomas Muir. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was the time to set meeting dates according to the Board's by-laws. Motion made by Kim Shaw to schedule meetings as warranted on the 4th Monday of each month starting in October. Seconded by John Springer. Motion carried. 6. List of Future Agenda Items. Ms. Canon reported that September 27 is the earliest date, according to State law, that funds can be expended. Buxton has started working on their analysis and they will have target-market maps to staff by Friday of this week. The stady is to be concluded by the fint of November. 7. Meeting Adjourned. Approved