05/10/2007-4B-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Sanger Texas Development Corporation May 10,2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: President Nel Armstrong, John Springer, Glenn Ervin, Thomas Muir and Beverly Branch MEMBERS ABSENT: Kim Shaw and John Payne OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Smith, City Manager, Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Russell Martin and Barbara Martin 1. President Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: February 26, 2007 Beverly Branch made one correction on Page 2 to correct spelling of complied to compiled. Motion to approve minutes as corrected. Seconded by Thomas Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review Financials. President Armstrong asked memben if they had any questions concerning the rmancials. She also mentioned that the sales tax deposits are a little behind. City Secretary did advise that this month's deposit will be an estimated $98,000. She did inform the memben that Peggy Hinklewolf from the Denton Record Chronicle has contacted her regarding the increase and her question was if the increase was attributed to the beer and wine sales. Ms. Hinklewolf was advised that there have been some increases last year that were in the $85,000 to $88,000 and it was too soon to telL Discussion on revenues and expenditures. Thomas Muir inquired on the interest rate for certificates of deposits. City Secretary advised that the interest rate is currently 5.12% and mentioned that the checking account is a money market that is earning at least a quarter of per cent less than a certificate of deposit. Every month when a sales tax deposit is made to the account, we have to wait for the certificate of deposit to mature before we can add to it. 4. Discussion on a New Park Project for Soccer Fields. City Manager addressed this item and advised that on Ranger Creek on the north end of that Park there is about 3 to 3 ½ acres that are under tax foreclosure and has been turned over to attorney for tax sale. Once this process takes place, the Sable Creek Developer will pursue the purchase of this land and at that time make the dedication to include that property. The developer will straighten Ranger Creek and will remove the brush and trees from the park land and grade the area. Glenn Ervin inquired on the 3 ½ acres that the developer is trying to get and asked if the developer is going to use that dirt to create one or two more lots and will that create a retention pond like the city bas south of town. City Manager advised be does not think so. The city already has the ditch profde engineered and there will be a 6-point slope with some dirt but it will not be a bole. It will be where they have feathered those edges so the city can mow the banks. Discussion. President Armstrong advised that the City Manager has informed her that the developer has pledged to give this property to the city for dedicated park property. Paul Eddleman, Parks Chairman, then addressed the board concerning dedication of funds for the improvement of that park property. The developer will level the property and the city will be responsible for putting a crown on soccer fields to allow rain water to run off. Paul Eddleman indicated that they would like $100,000.00 dedicated to allow for the construction of a 30' x 30' square ft. concession stand to include restrooms on each end. The cost would be about $70.00 a square ft. which would run about $63,000 to build it and the rest of the funds will be utilized for crowning the fields, equipment and some landscape. Mr. Eddleman then discussed the Quail Run Project which consisted of three phases. The third phase did not get approved by City Council and he asked that those funds which were $75,000 be utilized on the soccer field project. Mr. Eddleman indicated that he is not sure whether council needs to eliminate Phase Ill in order for those funds to be utilized somewhere else. He plans to go back to city council to eliminate Phase m from the Quail Run Project then all the additional funds requested would be $25,000. President Armstrong inquired on how much property was to be utilized at Quail Run park for the skate park and what other project does he intend to place on that property. Mr. Eddleman indicated that it was about 1S00 sq. ft. and later on they can do some additional things. He discussed that if additional funds were needed, they can come back and request funds. Some of that area has to be left as open green space since some of the property is detention pond area. He expressed if nothing else gets done in Quail Run, it will stiU be a nice park for the residents. Discussion on using the land at Quail Run Park for a practice soccer field and the costs for the fields at property at Sable Creek. There is approximately 14 acres at Sable Creek and not aU the property can be utilized. The goal is to get as many fields as possible. Glenn Ervin inquired on how this ties in with the Master Plan. Paul Eddleman advised that across the street the city will have the new Fire Station, which will be an asset in case of emergency situations. On Ranger Creek, if Mr. Falls ever develops his golf course, it will incorporate the housing development with the park, golf course and the new fire station. Parking was discussed. City Manager advised that Joe Smith will be putting a walk bridge over the creek. Thomas Muir asked on whether there would be flooding problems in regards to the concession stand. Mr. Eddleman indicated he can't say until someone looks at the property and makes the determination. The land does sit higher than some of the homes in that development. President Armstrong indicated that she does not have any objection to designate the funds and the additional $25,000. She indicated that it is her understanding on listening to Mr. Eddleman that Council needs to make the decision to shift the funds. Paul Eddleman indicated the 48 approved all phases of the Quail Run Project and after it was submitted to Council they only approved Phase I and II and left Phase III for a future date. President Armstrong indicated that at this point in time the skate board park will not be included in Phase III of the Quail Run park project due to the opposition from the public. Discussion followed. City Secretary advised that the project needs to go to Council and after they approve it then the public hearing is scheduled. John Springer indicated since the Master Plan is not completed yet, and he approves that these monies to be encumbered and not used elsewhere, but suppose the Master Plan is completed and it will take a great deal more money to do the project, will they be in a better position to move on with something like this, or will they be better off to encumber the funds now not knowing exactly how it will be done. Thomas Muir indicated that Paul Eddleman's request is to get the initial basis for approval. Discussion on the monies to encumber after the council approves. John Springer moved to approve the additional $25,000 be used at this time for Ranger Park for soccer fields. Mr. Springer withdrew motion since it was not an action item. City Manager advised that this was not an action item, it was only a project to be considered. All board members present gave the consensus to proceed with the necessary steps on this new park project. 4. List of Future Agenda Items Glenn Ervin asked if any member had recommendations for appointments to the board. He expressed that as a council member he would like to see the recommendations from the board. He also inquired if John Payne wants to continue to serve. President Armstrong asked that if any member has any suggestions that they contact Rose with their recommendation so an application can be sent. She personally would like to keep the board with only one council member to serve. This will give the public the appearance that council is not trying to take over the board and run it. S. Adjournment President Armstrong adjourned meeting at 7:36 p.m. Approved