08/21/2007-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Sanger Texas Development Corporation August 21, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: President Net Armstrong, John Springer, Glenn Ervin, John Payne, Beverly Branch and Barbara Martin MEMBERS ABSENT: Lindell Mitchell OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice, City Manager, Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager, Economic Development Director, Cecile Carson 1. President Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: May 10, 2007 Correction to the minutes was made by Barbara Martin -to add in "Others Present," Paul Eddleman. Motion was made by John Springer to approve the minutes. Seconded by Glenn Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 3.(4) Discuss and Consider Financial Reports and 2006/2007 Budget and Projects City Secretary reviewed the trial balance report with the board members. Discussion continued with the balances in the certificates of the deposits and the money market account. City Secretary advised that with the deposit for sales tax this month the balance in the money market is closer to $40,000.00. She was instructed to maintain a $25,000.00 balance in that account and as the certificate of deposits mature thea those additional funds are to be invested in the certificates of deposits to earn a little more interest. A detail of the year to date financial reports of the revenues a•d expenditures were discussed. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, co•tinued with a review of the projects that have been funded by 48 and approved by City Council. The Quail Run Park Project will be moving forward with the constructio• of the playgrou•d and parking area. The Presbyterian Church is currently on schedule and Mr. Wienman, and the architect are preparing the pla• design. Nelson and Morgan Architects' proposal for the street scape plan for sidewalks and landscaping for the downtown area has received a projection on the cost for the sidewalks. Staff asked them to do a bid estimate on the section across the street from City Hall to give staff a baseline number that could be utilized to build on for the entire project. This would include Second Street to Fifth Street on Bolivar and the side streets from the cornen back from 4th and 3n1 Street. The cost was reviewed by the City Engineer Rob Woods, Mike Prater, Eddie Branham, John Hendenon, Rose Chavez and the City Manager. The cost was a lower estimate than what Nelson & Morgan had estimated. Those fagures were sent back to Nelson and Morgan to reevaluate the cost. The cost projection is estimated between $300,000.00 and $400,000.00. The project has not been sent out for bid. The cost projections were calculated from similar projects that Nelson & Morgan has done and then staff reviewed the projects and arrived at a lower projected cost. This information will be submitted to Nelson & Morgan, with a request for a completed bid document for the entire downtown street scape to be ready within the next 30 days. This will include new lights, paven, replacement of all sidewalks, striping, water lines, and above ground planten with irrigation. Ms. Canon discussed that after the bids are received they will come back to the 4A and 4B boards for consideration on possible funding. John Payne asked if the board is to look at possibly funding half of the cost, and 4A is to fund the other half. Ms. Canon indicated that this is one of their options; however, they have not discussed it with the 4A board. It is a funding possibility for 4A to fund sidewalk infrastructure improvements for retail use. The 4A funds are more encumbered than 4B. Discussed the possibility of getting a loan to fund the project and the projected revenues for next year venus collections this year in sales tax. Discussion on whether beer and wine sales have impacted the collections. Discussion on the method that businesses use to report their tax. Ms. Canon reported that the information from target retailen has been added to the new web-based search system. Discussion on bow new information is added. 5. Discuss and Consider 2007-2008 Budget. City Manager, Mike Brice discussed the budget for EDC for next fiscal year. He indicated he would like the 4B, 4A, and the City to partner together in economic development. He emphasized the importance for everyone to be on the same page regarding economic development. He indicated that the 4B has taken great steps in moving toward that direction. City Manager indicated that the 48 needs accountability on what the City is doing for economic development. The total budget for next year is a little more than $183,000 for EDC. In the budget, he allocated that $40,000.00 be transferred to the City for economic development. In budgeting the funds in this manner it does not tie the monies to a salary and thereby makes the City more accountable to the board for the EDC budget. He emphasized both boards need to have some responsibility as the city moves forward with their efforts. The City will be held accountable by the board. City Manger continued with discussion on proposed budget. Regarding contractual services, he discussed that $70,000 is for revamping planning and zoning regulations. City Manager expressed that this has a direct impact on economic development and the city needs ordinances that developen can work with and undentand. John Payne discussed the budgeted cost for advertisement and dues and registration, and expressed a concern on the $12,000.00 budgeted for travel expenses. Cecile Canon, Economic Development Director advised that there were some organizations they originally had joined as a volunteer status and now they have to join these organizations in a professional status which brings those costs up. The line item for Travel coven trade shows, conferences, international shopping, Texas Downtown Association, and Marketing Texas economic developmeat conferences. One of the challenges is trying to reach people, and to know what is happening in economic development in the state. City Manager assured the board that his expectation of Ms. Canon as her boss, is that she is actively looking and recruiting for economic development. City Manager reviewed the transfer out from 48 to the General Fund to help fuad Economic Development. Discussion concerning interest rates and making sure the City Secretary is getting a better rate for their investments. John Payne inquired from Ms. Canon concerning a statement she had made concerning the possibility of 48 assisting with funding the sidewalk project. Ms. Canon indicated that this would be handled at a later date and she will bring the necessary information to the board at that time. Motion was made by John Payne to approve the 07/08 budget as presented. Seconded by Barbara Martin. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Review Requirements of Attorney General. Ms. Canon reviewed the requirement concerning the open meetings act and the open records training requirement by the Attorney General. The requirement is for every twoyean. The class can be taken on the web-site. 7. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. John Payne inquired on how soon staff will have some numben to present to the board for that cost on the street scape for the sidewalks. Mr. Payne asked if the 4B and 4A shared the cost, and they funded it from the reserves, what jeopardy would it put the board, concerning the funding. Ms. Canon and the City Secretary advised that it would not be a financial hardship to the Board if it was funded from the existing reserves. Ms. Canon indicated she will be bringing options back to the board on funding. Discussion on the process of funding projects. 3. Review by-laws and Elect Ofticen Barbara Martin inquired on set time for the meetings. Ms. Canon indicated that the meetings are set for the fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. as needed. Ms. Canon indicated as the projects move forward the board will meet on a more regular basis. Ms. Cason presented updated revisions on the by-laws as made last year by the board. Discussion followed concerning the changes. Motion was made by John Payne to appoint John Springer as President. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to appoint John Payne as Vice-President. Seconded by Barbara Martin. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to appoint Barbara Martin as Secretary/freasurer. Seconded by John Payne. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Meeting adjourned. Approved