09/24/2007-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION September 24, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: President John Springer, John Payne, Barbara Martin, Beverly Branch, Nel Armstrong, Lindall Mitchell MEMBERS ABSENT: Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager, Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Economic Development Director Cecile Canon 1. President John Springer caUed meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes Lindall Mitchen made a correction to the minutes of August 21, 2007 to reflect the correct spelling of bis name from Lindell Mitchell to Lindall Mitchell. Motion was made by John Payne to approve the minutes of August 21, 2007 as corrected. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review Financials City Secretary gave a summary of the revenues and expenses through September 24, 2007. Discussed were the balances in the money market and certificate of deposit accounts. The total balances in all the accounts totaled $795,507.94. The total state tax coUections year to date including September totaled $236,025.97 with interest income of $31,446.0S. The sales tax received for the month of September came to $26,990.12. Discussion concerning the financial report and total projects that 48 bas pledged for funding. Those projects totaled $300,317.00 and included Quail Run Park Phase I and II, Presbyterian Church Restoration and the plan for the downtown project. Discussed the 07/08 budget for next year and how the funds will be transferred from reserves to allocate for the expenses of these projects. 4. Public Hearing for Consideration of Expending Funds for a Streetscape Downtown Project. President John Springer declared Public Hearing opened. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, addressed the board and indicated that last year the 48 Board voted to fund and allow Nelson & Morgan to create a streetscape plan for downtown. The primary function was to address the infrastructure to include the utilities, sidewalks, drainage, lighting and landscape for the downtown area. Uthe board approves for recommendation and council authorizes the expenditure, the project completion date is September 2008. Ms. Carson indicated that on Bolivar Street there will be concrete sidewalks on the north and south sides. There will also be concrete sidewalks on the side streets that extend from Bolivar Street to the alley ways. Ms. Carson continued with a review of a preliminary sketch drawing of the streetscape project that was provided by Nelson &Morgan. Ms. Carson discussed the benches, planters, trash cans, receptacles, irrigation, lighting, landscape, electrical plugs and railing. She continued to advise that this was a discussion item and they were still in a public bearing and looking for input from the board to get to a rmal stage to bid the project. Barbara Martin asked if it was budgeted to replace the benches and trash receptacles in the downtown park to where they matched. Ms. Carson indicated that was not included in the cost estimates and advised most of the benches were donated to the City. One of the options that the City Manager and she discussed was offering people to make donations in memory or in honor of someone. Discussion conceming lighting and the problem that would occur if they tried to remove any of the lights in the park to utilize on this project. John Payne inquired about the comer on 4111 and Bolivar and if the city was going to make someone responsible for planting trees. He asked if the City owned this lot. Ms. Carson indicated that it is not owned by the City and advised this was an artistic ovenriew by the architects. If there was construction on this property in the future, it would have to comply with current City landscape codes. Ms. Carson indicated that once the improvements are made this will enhance the downtown. Net Armstrong recommended eliminating a crowded comer to create more parking. Lindall Mitchell asked if there would be parking on the side streets of 3"' and 4th• He expressed a concem since there are limited parking spaces in the downtown area. He emphasized that we need to attract retail which means more parking spaces are needed. Ms. Carson advised that the parking spaces are not striped and this will be one of the things •at needs to be done. This will be a project that the city will do. She advised she will ask Nelson & Morgan to show those parking spaces on the side streets. John Payne indicated that on Bolivar Street, in front of Curves and Hollingsworth, the required area for ADA requirements is not indicated. Ms. Canon indicated that the drawing does not show that level of detail on the sketch. There will be ADA required parking at each corner; however, this is just the presentation to the board. Discussion followed on the parking. There were concerns expressed on the limited parking and the State ADA requirements. Ms. Canon indicated that under the City code the downtown area does not require specific parking or off-site parking. It does require ADA standards be met. Discussion continued concerning the parking on the side streets, and ADA requirements for parking. Ms. Canon emphasized the goal is not to reduce parking. The board was also informed that the Council took 2•• Street to 5t11 Street off the truck route. John Payne indicated that be bad beard in the past that certain buildings downtown were in such disrepair, interior and structural, that some of those were possibly earmarked for condemnation. Ms. Canon indicated that the City has not ruled on any of those. There are concerns on the buildings across the street but there has not been any discussion. John Payne expressed a concern that if these buildings are repaired, torn down and replaced, will this create an advene effect on doing aU this sidewalk work. Ms. Canon indicated the Historical Commission, a regulatory body appointed by the City, is looking at encouraging preservation of the buildings from a regulatory standpoint. They are also working on the new zoning ordinance that is proposing design guidelines for downtown that will require construction to look back to a period of 1900 and 1920. As the city begins to make improvements, other people will begin to make improvements to their buildings as well. John Payne expressed his concern regarding the renovation of a building. If the board funds aU these improvements will there be a conflict for those ownen to refurbish or replace an existing building without messing up the work that bas been done. Ms. Canon advised that those ownen would be responsible for restoring it to the state it was before the improvements were made. Discussion followed. Lindall Mitchell indicated that he has visited with some of the merchants concerning the delivery of mail by the Post Office. He has visited with the Post Master and he has advised that if the merchants would get a community box then the mail can be delivered. He asked if this could be part of the design. Ms. Canon advised that she has never seen this done. She will check on the options and check with the Post Master on where the receptacle has to be placed. Nel Armstrong expressed a concern on the cost for the project. Ms. Canon indicated they cannot get an actual cost until the·bids are submitted. The estimate projection is based on ragures Nelson & Morgan provided and the ragures the City staff provided. They feel that the projections are high, but a basis was needed for the consideration for funding from the board. Discussion concerning safety issues with the sidewalks in the downtown area. Ms. Canon discussed the concrete cost and drainage issues. She felt the concrete cost will be the higher cost of the project. She discussed donations. The benefit of this project was emphasized. The goal is to spend sales tax dollan to attract sales tax dollan. Ms. Canon reviewed the proposed time schedules for the project. Barbara Martin inquired that at the last meeting it was discussed that the 4A would possibly consider funding half of the cost. Ms. Canon indicated that the City Manager's recommendation on this project was to fund the project with available funds in lieu of securing a loan. Discussion. Joe Falls, citizen of Sanger, expressed that the project needs to address water and sewer improvements since there are old lines downtown. Ms. Canon indicated those improvements have been addressed and continued to explain the improvements. She again reviewed the time schedule for the project. Lindall Mitchell made the motion to consider recommending the concept and funding for the streetscape project with the use of existing funds. John Payne also expressed reservation regarding the board saying "yes" to fund and approve a recommendation to" fund with existing funds." If this comes in on the high side, it may be a situation where the board may put itself in a bind. Be would like to add that the motion ·read "with the use of the funds with the possibility of alternative financing at a future date." Discussion on the option of the use of funds or alternative financing if needed. Previous motion withdrawn. John Payne made the motion that the 4B approve the concept of funding the project with the use of existing funds and/or a promissory obligation. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. S. Discussion and Update on Ongoing Projects Ms. Carson gave a brief update and advised that the concrete work bid on Quail Run Park has been accepted and work will start within the next few days. The concrete work covers the parking and the pad site for the playground and the sidewalk areas. Barbara Martin expressed a concern on the drainage issues and the playground equipment that will be placed at that location. Ms. Carson indicated the City Engineer is working on this as they are doing the layout on the playground. Their intent is to take some of the dirt and reconfigure some of the actual drainage area. She addressed the Church project, and advised there are continuos situations that arise. The structural engineers have advised that the roof mg structure is in such bad shape that it needs to be replaced. This will include structure supports. Discussion continued. 6. List of Future Agenda Items None 7. Adjournment. President Springer adjourned meeting.