05/12/2008-4B-Minutes-Regular (2)• MINUTES: SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION May 12, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Payne, Barbara Martin, Beverly Howard, Jeff Springer, Will Dutton, Scott Stephens MEMBERS ABSENT: Beverly Branch OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City S~retary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order. President John Payne called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Approve Minutes: May 12, 2008 Motion made by Jeff Springer to approve the minutes. Seconded by Barbara Martin. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Elect New Officers. 4. The officers are as follows: President John Payne, Vice-President Beverly Branch and Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Martin. Jeff Springer made the motion to leave the officers as they are. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Discussion concerning responsibility of Secretary /Treasurer. This is the only officer who can't sign checks. City Secretary advised this is a rule with First United Bank. It was discussed that it is convenient for Barbara to sign checks since her office is across from City Hall. The motion was amended by Jeff Springer to appoint Barbara Martin as Vice-President and Beverly Branch as Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Scott Stephens. Motion carried unanimously. Project Updates. City Manager addressed the Board with an update on the Millar property. Mr. Millar bas made an offer to the estate on the property located between Cowling and Interstate 35. This offer has been accepted by the estate and it should take about 90 days to close. Mr. Millar has requested that we send a letter indicating we are interested in purchasing the property. City Manager advised Mr. Millar that he could not commit the City on the purchase of the property; however, the letter could indicate a notice of interest. The exact acreage is approximately 50 acres. The next step is to proceed with a survey on the property that the City is interested in purchasing. Discussion that the 4B will fund the purchase of the property for a regional park. City Manager discussed the possibility of a bond issuance for this project. The City Manager advised that there will be a comprehensive plan for the layout of the park. Discussion continued concerning the project. 5. Schedule Meetings for Upcoming Year. The Board discussed when to schedule the meetings. Will Dutton made a motion that the meetings for the 4B be scheduled on the 4th Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider Replacing Flagpoles and Concrete in Downtown Parks. City Manager discussed the flagpoles, the concrete around the memorial, and the memorial itself. The concrete has shifted and is in bad shape and the area around the memorial is surrounded with grass. They would like to replace the flagpoles and make one pole higher for the American Flag. Barbara Martin expressed if the flagpoles need to be replaced she does not have a problem, but there are flagpoles in four other places in the City that are the same way. The flags are flown correctly, and she recommended the City consider adding lights for visibility. City Manager discussed that the lights also need to be replaced at the park. The complaints we receive are regarding the American Flag and the Texas Flag flown at the same height level. The other complaint concerns the State Flag, is it on the left or right of the American Flag. If you look at the flags from the memorial, they are flown correctly; however, if you look at them from the street it is backwards. President Payne indicated that Texas is the only state that can fly the American Flag at the same height. President Payne advised that if they need to be replaced he does not have a problem. It was the consensus of the board members to instruct the City Manager to move • forward on getting estimated costs. City Manager gave an updated report on the Streetscape project. Discussion concerning the sidewalks and the corners. There have been some difficulties in tying into some of the buildings. 7. Review Financials. President Payne gave a brief summary of the total available funds totaling $802,152.14. The funds are held in certificates of deposits and money market accounts. Discussed the total sales tax received throughJuly. City Manager reviewed the proposed budget for 2008/2009 estimated revenues and expenditures. He discussed the transfer of $25,000 from 4B and 4A to General Fund to cover administration and advertising expenditures. The administrative cost includes the City Manager, City Secretary and any other staff member. City Manager indicated that currently he can't justify the time for a staff position for Economic Development. He will continue to handle all economic related issues. It was explained that Ms. Carson is still under contract for specific issues that might require her expertise. The $25,000 would help cover the costs for that service if it was needed. City Manager indicated that he did not include any budgeted amount for projects at this time, since we are not sure of the cost. The budget will be on the next month's agenda for approval. 8. Adjournment. President Payne advised the next meeting is scheduled for August 25 at 6:00 p.m. Jeff Springer made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ____ _ Motion carried unanimously •