08/25/2008-4B-Minutes-Regular (2)MINUTES: SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION August 25, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Payne, Barbara Martin, Beverly Howard, Will Dutton, Scott Stephens, Beverly Branch MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Springer OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order. President Payne called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 28, 2008 Motion was made by Will Dutton to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Expending $17,025.00 For Downtown Park Improvements. City Manager clarified the equipment that was needed for the improvements at the downtown park. The project improvements included (2) picnic tables, (2) new flag pole lights, (1) 35 ft flag pole, (2) 30 ft flag poles, (5) park benches, (S) trash can holden. This also included concrete around the Dag poles, and a metal fence around the memorial. Discussion followed concerning the improvements. City Manager advised it will be 60 days before any funds can be utilized for this project. Motion made by Beverly Branch to approve the expenditure for $17,025.00 for updated park equipment. Seconded by Will Dutton. Motion carried unanimously, 4. Approve Letter of Intent to Purchase the Millar Property and Authorize City Manager to Negotiate Purchase. City Manager advised that Mr. Miller has agreed to sell the entire property that includes the house. Mr. Millar originally wanted to sell the bottom part and develop the top part. City Manger indicated he has made Mr. Millar an offer to purchase the entire property. The City Manager's offer to purchase the property was $800,000. Mr. Millar's attorney contacted him by e-mail and offered a counter offer of St.O million. The property was appraised in 200S at S1.2 million. Mr. Millar has indicated that the family -had an appraisal done a few weeks ago and it appraised at $600,000. City Manager has not seen the appnisaJ; however, the value of the property is worth more than $600,000, but less than a $1.2 million. The City Manager advised the City has to get an appraisal done to determine the value. Discussion concerning the value of the property and the condition of the house. The house could be utilized for a community center, or offices for parks and recreation. City Manager advised if the City can't utilize the home, there could be a possibility for a bed and breakfast facility. Barbara Martin expressed a concern on the value of the property that includes the house. She had mixed emotions on whether to spend the money on purchasing the tep part of that property, or applying it toward the soccer fields and concession stand. Discussion concerning the lay-out of the house and whether it can be utilized for City use. Barbara Martin expressed a concern that the ·focus should be on a top-notch sports facility. President Payne indicated that the property is on the frontage road making it valuable in the futare if it was sold. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the property, the zoning, and the land use plan. The possibility of selling the top portion of the property for -hotel use. Accessibility use to the property was also discussed. Motion was made by Barbara Martin to authorize the City Manger to enter into tormal negotiations to purchase the property. Seconded by Beverly Branch. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Project Updates. City Manager gave an update on the "Streetscape Project.". The last few blocks will be the biggest challenge, and will be done last. The contnctor is almost done across the street. They are also getting ready to pour the curb on 4t11 Street by the vacant lot, and the sidewalk around the corner. The plan is to have this section completed before the "Sanger Sellabration." The contnctor will resume after the "Sanger Sellabration" on the completion of the project. The light poles are in, and those will be installed. The signs, benches, and trash cans are at some stage of production. He hopes the entire project will be completed by October. 6. Consider and Approve 2008/2009 Budget. This item was discussed at the last board meeting. City Manager gave a brief summary of what was discussed at the last meeting. City Manager addressed financing options. There was a question on whether 4A could assist with funding this project. The City Manager advised that 4B can fund anything that 4A can fund; however, 4A can't fund everything that 48 can fund. Motion was made by Will Dutton to approve the proposed budget for 2008/2009. Seconded by Scott Stephens. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Review Financials. City Secretary advised the Board members that the certificate of deposit #497371 was up for renewal, and we needed to be deposit the funds into the money market account. There are two outstanding invoices from Reliable Paving for the Streetscape project. The one that is due for payment is about $62,000. The money market account has enough funds to pay one of the invoices, and the additional funds are needed for future draws on the project. City Secretary advised that the $15,000 check is to fmalize the budget transfer. The board has already transferred $10,000. The financial statements indicate $40,000 to be transferred; however, this amount was changed during the year by the City Manager as result of not hiring the person for Economic Development. Discussion concerning the balances in the accounts. The board gave the consensus that the certificate of deposit #497371 in the amount of $139,959.91 is to be deposited in the money market checking account for future expenses. 8. Adjournment. Beverly Branch made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Barbara Martin. Motion carried unanimously.