11/30/1998-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A CORPORATION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1998 PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Garland Thornton, Frank Ballard, Mike James ABSENT: Joe Skiles OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. Vice President Frank Ballard Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Revised By-Laws. Frank Ballard indicated on Page 4, the meeting time should be 6:00 not 7:00. Garland Thornton asked if the Contract for Secretarial Services needed to be stated in the by-laws. Mr. Smith indicated he thought it just needed to say they could make that decision, and it is in the by-laws. Frank Ballard indicated the three things that needed to be discussed were the by-laws, deciding where the check would go and what Mr. Thornton found out concerning the bond. Discussed the depository. Garland Thornton asked if they could designate someone other than the treasurer to be the investment officer. Mr. Smith indicated he would recommend designating the City Secretary since she is the finance officer for the City and has the training for it. Board agreed. Mike James asked if the board had bond council. Mr. Smith indicated they would if they issue bonds. Discussed monthly reports and balance sheet. Mike James moved to accept the by-laws with the change that meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. and not 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Carroll McNeill Motion Carried Unanimously. Carroll McNeill moved to appoint Rose Chavez as the Investment officer. Seconded by Mike James. Motion Carried Unanimously. Mike James moved to use the City of Sanger's depository as the depository. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Garland Thornton abstained. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. Garland Thornton addressed the issue of the bond for treasurer, he indicated he had talked with Richard Muir and the price will be from $120.00 to $150.00 annually. He indicated he could not get a set price until the application is filled out and sent off. Discussed. No Action Taken. Mike James indicated he thought they should not have a meeting in December because of the Holidays. Mike James moved to skip the December meeting. Seconded by Carroll McNeill • Motion Carried unanimously. Board agreed to listen to anyone with an idea that falls within group authority. Discussed bank account, and signature cards. Mike James indicated they were required to file an annual report to the state comptroller. Mr. Smith indicated it was a pre printed form that would come to them before it was due. Discussion. Discussed economic development and new jobs. Discussed Policies and what the board can and can not do. 4. Meeting Adjourned.