01/25/1999-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A Corporation January 25, 1999 PRESENT: Joe Skiles, Frank Ballard, Carroll McNeill, Garland Thornton ABSENT: Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Julia Beavers 1. President Joe Skiles called meeting to order. 2. a) Approve Minutes: November 19, 1998 November 30, 1998 b) Disbursements A motion was made by Frank Ballard to approve November 19, 1998 and November 30, 1998 minutes. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried unanimously. Frank Ballard made motion to approve payment of disbursements. Seconded by Joe Skiles. Motion Carried unanimously. Discussion on disbursements. Frank Ballard asked if it each time bills had to be paid if they had to be brought before the board for approval. Mr. Smith indicated this is not like the City Council, it is a corporation. Garland Thornton indicated if they are routine small checks, and of course someone else from the board will have to sign them, he would feel comfortable writing these checks and then reporting them to the board. If he had questions he would wait. Frank Ballard indicated possibly setting a limit of $500.00. Frank Ballard made the motion that Garland Thornton have the authority, without the board, to pay any bills up to $500.00. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. Garland Thornton indicated as Secretary Treasurer, he is required to be bonded, and at the second meeting he brought an estimate from Richard Muir Agency, who represents Western Surety Company. The estimate was for a $20,000.00 bond which the law requires, he was only able to estimate the cost until such time it is applied for and approved. Mr. Muir estimated a cost of $120.00 to $150.00 per year. Mr. Thornton indicated at the last meeting no decision was made, and before he writes the checks he needs to have that bond in place and needs the authority to proceed with the bond application, or if someone else wants him to shop it, he can also proceed to do so. Frank Ballard made a motion that they get a bond on Garland Thornton in the amount of $20,000.00 as long as it doesn't exceed $175.00 per year. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried unanimously. Joe Skiles inquired in regards to infrastructure lines regarding water, sewer, and so forth that was discussed at the City Council meeting Saturday. He asked if the board had the authority to pay for those if they were ran to facility that fits the 4A category. Mr. Smith indicated they could. Discussed what is allowed to do in the 4A. Another issue discussed was the sewer line, and the 33" bore underneath the highway, and whether 4A funds could be used for this project. Mr. Smith confirmed that 4A funds could be used for this project. Carroll McNeill indicated that it would be advantageous to open both sides of the highway at the same time. Discussion. Garland Thornton indicated the way he thinks the restrictions apply is that there has to be an industrial project in that location for funds to be utilized for that infrastructure. Discussion continued. Other issues were growth and tax abatements and how it would affect other businesses in place. Julia Beavers approached the board, and indicated that in applying for the park grant they set goals and objectives. Julia indicated every city has to have a certain amount of area for parks, and Sanger has never been able to put any demands on any body coming in , she indicated that in preparation for growth in Sanger, and in applying for the grant that part of the goals and objectives is to start setting aside certain funds for parks. Frank Ballard gave a scenario of a 40 acre subdivision coming in , that developers would be required to donate land for a park in that area, and if less that 40 acres he had to donate funds for a park that had to be built not less than ½ mile from the subdivision. Julia Beavers indicated there are different standards, Discussed. Joe Skiles indicated this is probably more City Council issues. Julia Beavers asked if 4A funds could be used for development of parks. Discussed was that if City Council did decide to do so, that an election must be held. Joe Skiles indicated that each board member must decide what they want to do. Frank Ballard discussed that the 4B board can issue bonds to complete the project and obligate the revenues for the 4B. Garland Thornton again indicated that citizens voted 4A funds were to be used for Industrial development not recreational, he would have a hard time diverting these funds for recreational purposes. Sales tax revenued were discussed and obligating them for a bond issue. Another issue addressed was that voters can not vote the tax down if bonds have been issued and there is outstanding debt. Finance options discussed for 4B board. Joe Skiles indicated that the feeling expressed by the community at Sanger City Council meeting on Saturday, January 23, 1999, was that Infrastructure and commercial growth is the main thing the city needs to strive for. Residential does not pay for itself and also it was mentioned that the quality of life was also important which included the parks. There are two (2) boards, the 4A and the 4B. The 4A is the Industrial Development Board. Mr. Skiles indicated that the 4B needs to look at other sources of income and if it turns out the borrowing capacity, and state grants will not do the job in the future then they can certainly come back, and they will listen. Discussion. Garland Thornton indicated that he was challenged by another bard member to make a list of projects, and ideas of how these funds can be expended, and he would like to pass that challenge to other members of the board to have some thought process as to what they need to be doing, and to have some focus. He indicated they should have these ideas at the next meeting. Frank Ballard discussed Sanger's future growth and who to approach, and what to identify as a specific market. Discussion. 4. Adjourn Motion was made by Garland Thornton to adjourn. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion Carried unanimously.