03/22/1999-4A-Minutes-Regular2. MINUTES: 4A CORPORATION MARCH 22,1999 PRESENT: Joe Skiles, Frank Ballard, Carroll McNeill, Garland Thornton, Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1.. Joe Skiles Called Meeting to Order. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: February 22, 1999 Disbursements. Garland Thornton moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mike James Seconded. Motion Carried, Frank Ballard Abstained because be was absent at the last meeting. 3. Any Other Such Matters. a)Discussed if Nucor was still interested in Sanger. City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated the school board bad taken a straw vote, and indicated at the next meeting they would give Nucor a 7.5% tax abatement, and they would approve the freeport tax exemption. Discussed EPA ratings in the area. b )Garland Thornton indicated the last deposit on the report in his packet was not reflected in the bank. City Secretary indicated she had made the deposit that day, it should be posted by tomorrow. c)Frank Ballard indicated, in the future, they should think a head of time, and maybe get some sort of guidelines to know bow much jobs are worth. They need to decide what is too much to give for a company to come to Sanger. Carroll McNeill asked how they could arrive at guidelines. Discussion. Garland Thornton indicated they could read the abatement policies of other cities. Discussed abatement policies of other cities. Discussed revenues from Industries and the difference in how it affects the school board versus the 4A Board. Discussed 7.5% tax abatement proposed by school board. Discussed Seminar on economic development, board agreed they would pay for members to go, if any member elected to attend. 4. Meeting Adjourned. Approved