01/24/2000-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A CORPORATION JANUARY 24, 2000 PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Joe Skiles, Frank Ballard, Mike James ABSENT: Vickie Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Lisa Hardy -Sanger Courier, Woodrow Barton, Joe Biggs 1. Joe Skiles Called Meeting to Order. 2. a) b) Approve Minutes: Disbursements. CONSENT AGENDA September 27, 1999 Mike James moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Frank Ballard seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Appoint Secretary and Treasurer. Carroll McNeill moved to appoint Vickie Jenkins. Mike James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Investing Funds in Certificate of Deposit. City Manager indicated the 4A Funds are currently in a checking account and it draws a small amount of interest. Be indicated the 4B board had invested there funds in a six month CD, and asked 4A to consider the same. Discussed the interest rate. Carroll McNeill asked what would be the penalty if they withdrew it early, for the possible land purchase. City Secretary indicated they may want to wait until the next item is discussed. Discussion regarding investing in a CD and how it works. Frank Ballard moved to move $120,000.00 to a CD at GNB for thirty days. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Funding Land for Distribution Center, North of Lois Road, East of 1-35. Joe Skiles indicated he had an interest in the land, and would abstain from discussion on this item. City Manager indicated the City was approached in a worbbop by Judge Wilson and Jeff Krueger regarding a distribution center. He indicated the company's first choice is Sanger, they want to locate on the 356 acres North of Lois Rd. He indicated the person who has the contract on the land has some requirements, including that the company could not be located on the frontage road. The company is a Fortune 100 company, will employee six hundred people, have twelve hundred car movements, and seven hundred and fifty semi-truck movements a day. The county will give a twenty five percent tax abatement and pay the school's twenty five percent. Discussion regarding tax abatement's. Discussion regarding if 4A Board wants to expend one million dollars to entice this company to come to Sanger. Discussion regarding View Road, and that it will be reworked. Discussion regarding property taxes. Discussed Capital Improvement Grant, and water & sewer lines to the property. Carroll McNeill asked about the salary structure. City Manager indicated the average would be $10.00 per hour. Discussed distribution centers in other cities. City Manager indicated if the 4A and the City agree to work with them, there will be a meeting with representatives from the company in February. City Manager indicated he needed to know if the Board felt like it was worth a million dollars to bring this distribution center to Sanger. Discussion regarding the distribution center. Frank Ballard moved for the City Manager to check with the Economic Development people and see to see if the Board could afford to do this and proceed if so. Mike James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Any Other Such Matters. None. 7. Adjourn.