01/27/2000-4A-Minutes-JointMINUTES: 4A BOARD & 4B BOARD -JOINT MEETING THURSDAY -JANUARY 27, 2000 PRESENT: Nel Annstrong,John Payne, Steve Hollingsworth, Beverly Branch, Glenn Ervin, Terry Jones, Frank Ballard, Carroll McNeill, Vickie Jenkins ABSENT: Joe Skiles, Mike James, Randy Thompson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Woodrow Barton, Ken Cornell 1. Nel Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss and Possible Action Regarding Future Economic Development. Nel indicated the 4A Board had been waiting on the study for Railroad Park, but they have not received it yet. City Manager, Jack Smith, addressed this item, he indicated there is not a procedure of how to pursue economic development. He wanted to discuss if they needed to do active solicitation, do mail outs, or other type promotions. He indicated the boards need to decide what they want to give the companies that consider coming to Sanger. The boards are limited on the amount of money they can borrow and buy things with, both boards are economic development and they can share some projects. He asked for direction from the boards on what avenue to pursue. Nel Armstrong indicated she did not mean to imply they were only concerned with parks, they are more geared to how they can improve the town. The 4A is geared more to ward promoting Industrial Development. The boards need to work together. City Manager indicated many successful cities have a presentation drawn up & prepared for people who want to come to their cities. Some have videos, Sanger may want to consider a video or some type of packet to mail out to people or companies interested in coming to Sanger. Discussed meeting with the school and county to discuss Economic Development. Discussed what the Boards could spend their funds on. Discussion regarding a video for the City. John Payne indicated it would not do any good to have a video unless you have someone out there making sure people see it. Discussion regarding marketing. Discussion regarding future plans for the City. Discussion regarding the distribution center that is considering Sanger for it's site. Steve Hollingsworth indicated that he could not see the City purchasing a million dollars worth ofland for the company. He indicated it would put a strain on the City. Nel Armstrong indicated both Boards needed to have a plan from the City Council of what they wanted to do, and the Council needs to decide if the City is going to offer abatements. City Manager indicated the 4A board is faced with committing sales tax funds for a number of years to purchase the land for the company. Discussion regarding the distribution center and the funding. Discussion regarding how to get companies to come to Sanger. Railroad Park was discussed. Frank Ballard indicated they need to look at both sides, and decide what will happen if the distribution center is built, and what will happen if it is not, and how it will affect the community. Nel Armstrong suggested to make a list of priorities between the two boards, and make recommendations of what they want the funds to be spent on. City Manager suggested having another joint meeting and inviting TXU Gas and Denton County Economic Development. Glen Ervin indi~ted· they should invite the school also. Discussion regarding a joint meeting. Discussion regarding the purchase of the land for the distribution center. Nel Armstrong indicated the conclusion seemed to be to call a meeting and invite TXU, Denton County, 4A Board, 4B Board, the school, and the City Council, she indicated they would leave the scheduling up to the City Manager. Discussion followed regarding the distribution center. General consensus of Boards to schedule a meeting as discussed. 3. Any Other Such Matters. Frank Ballard asked the 4B Board to look and see what percentage of their funds could be spent on marketing. City Manager indicated he would find out. Discussed what the different boards could use their funds for. 4. Meeting Adjourned.