04/24/2000-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A CORPORATION APRIL 24, 2000 PRESENT: Frank Ballard, Mike James, Carroll McNeill, Vickie Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. Frank Ballard Called Meeting to order and indicated he would like to say a few words about Joe Skiles. He indicated Mr. Skiles was the president of the 4A Board, and very active in the community. He was a good husband, father, son, and citizen. He said that Mr. Skiles was truly a gentleman and the Sanger area will miss him, the city will miss him, and the 4A Board will mis him. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: January 24, 1999 Disbursements. Mike James indicated the first item on the minutes needed to be changed from Joe Falls to Joe Skiles. Mike James moved to approve the Consent Agenda with change as noted. Frank Ballard seconded. Motion carried, Vickie Jenkins abstained. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Future Economic Development Project. City Manager gave board o copy of a report regarding the effect of the distribution center on the City. City Manager went over the chart showing sales tax collections anticipated, and discussion followed. City Manager indicated we should know something around May 14, 2000, regarding whether or not the distribution center would be built in Sanger. Discussion regarding taxable sales from the fast food restaurants. City Manager indicated the City will only commit to 1 million dollars worth of land. The distribution center will have 600 jobs initially and 1,000 jobs within ten years. Frank Ballard asked about the process of buying the land. City Manager indicated the company will buy the land, and the 4A Board will reimburse them. Discussion regarding financing of land up to 1 million dollars. Discussion regarding the distribution center. Discussion regarding the impact data. City Manager indicated the City will be getting a package of inducements if they decide to build in Sanger. This will include all of their requests. Discussion regarding the frontage property. Discussion continued regarding the distribution center, City Manager indicated they would have three shifts, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The average salary will be $20,000.00 per year. City Manager indicated he bad spoken with another man regarding another possible business in Sanger. The business assembles tires for Peterbuilt. 4. Any Other Such Matters. Frank Ballard indicated the City Council appoints members to the 4A Board, he indicated he would like to recommend Richard Muir to the Council for the appointment. Vickie Jenkins indicated she too felt Richard Muir would be a good choice; however, Bill Fuller was also interested, and she felt be would be a good choice too. Mr. McNeil) indicated be bad no objections to either recommendation. Mike James indicated he felt either would be good, but thought maybe they should consider advertising to allow more people the chance to serve. Frank Ballard indicate4d be felt this was something the City Council should do rather than the 4A Board. Mr. McNeill moved to send the two names (Richard Muir and Bill Fuller) to the Council for consideration of appointment. Mike James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding the funds invested in the CD. City Manager indicated when the CD is renewed, they could leave $10,000.00 in the checking account and add the rest to the CD. Vickie Jenkins suggested a high yield money market account might earn a higher interest rate, and indicated she would check into it and report back to the board. 5. Mike James moved to adjourn. Vickie Jenkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ~A4 Appv