06/26/2000-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A CORPORATION JUNE 29, 2000 PRESENT: Frank Ballard, Carroll McNeill, Vickie Jenkins, Richard Muir ABSENT: Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Ken Cornell 1. Frank Ballard Call Meeting to Order, and indicated that in the future he would like to put Citizen's Input on the agenda. 2. a) b) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: May 22, 2000 Disbursements. Richard Muir indicated that Alcoa was spelled incorrectly on Item #4. Frank Ballard indicated the Lt. Governor's name on #4, should be Perry instead of Berry. Brief Discussion. Carroll McNeill moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Richard Muir seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Funding of Land for Economic Development Project. Frank Ballard indicated this is the Wal-Mart project. He asked the City Manager if he knew when they needed the money. City manager indicated approximately the 10th of July. Vickie Jenkins indicated it would take two days, if they were to borrow the money from GNB. Discussed borrowing funds. Vickie Jenkins wanted to discuss some of the terms of te loan, she indicated this would be a variable rate, on fifteen year amortization, and the loan committee asked that she stipulate that they will take the 4A funds as collateral. The bank would have first lien on these funds. This would prevent future members from obligating more of those funds, than would be available to service the debt. Discussion regarding the payments on the loan. Frank Ballard asked what they rate would be. Vickie Jenkins indicated the rate would be 6.7%, which is 2.8% below Wall Street Journal Prime. Discussion regarding the rate, and the amount the board will borrow. Board indicated they would borrow $850,000.00, and leave a cushion of $34,000.00 in the account. Discussed increase in sales tax due to growth. Carroll McNeill asked if they could borrow the money, put it in their account, and let it draw interest, so they would have the money when it was needed. Vickie Jenkins indicated they could make the loan, get the papers signed, and have the money disbursed, but not funded, and that way she could have it funded in the matter of time that it takes to make the cashier's check. Discussion. Vickie Jenkins indicated she would get with Rose, they need to draw up a Resolution for the bank. Richard Muir moved to borrow $850,000.00 at 2.8% below Wall Street prime, adjusted quarterly, payments to be made on a monthly basis, 15 year amortization, agree to the pledge of the funds, subordinate to check with the bank upon any other request about it, for the sum of $850,000.00. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. A) City Manager indicated McDonald's was about to break ground, and Sonic has put their sign up, and the City received the plans today. Discussion regarding growth, and increase in sales tax. B) City Manager indicated they needed to work on a formal plan for economic development, and the incentives they would give, and what they would base it on. 5. Richard Muir moved to adjourn. Vickie Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. Approved