07/10/2000-4A-Minutes-Regular• Minutes: Members Present: Members Absent: 4A Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation July 10, 2000 Frank Ballard, Carroll McNeill, Vicki Jenkins, and Richard Muir Mike James 1. Chairperson Frank Ballard called meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Land Transfer on Wal-Mart Economic Development Project. Jack Smith, City Manager addressed the Board concerning the letter he received from Wal-Mart's attorney, Robert A. McCulloch. Lengthy discussion followed There were concerns expressed as to the rollback taxes, title fees and the breaking of the lease with the Schertz's family. Jack Smith indicated at some point in the future Wal-Mart will contact the 4A Board in reference to the $1,000,000.00 check. Vicki Jenkins expressed concerns regarding property passing through the 4A Board to Wal-Mart, then at some point the appraisal district may come back and say this is where the roll back taxes were assessed and send the 4A Board the bill for taxes and the Board would be left with the bill, and at that point there wouldn't be anything the 4A Board could do but pay the taxes. Discussion followed about taxes. Richard Muir stated that at the same time the deed is signed from the 4A Development Corporation to Wal-Mart that they give a letter that says who will be responsible for the payment of the taxes. That way it is in writing who will be the responsible party. Vicki Jenkins stated concern that the 4A Development Board is not working with any contracts stating who will pay for what. Discussion continued regarding title companies. Carroll McNeill inquired as to when this deal would be closed out. Discussion continued with the lease the Schertz' s have on the land Discussion continued as to how the motion should reacl. Carroll McNeill made the motion as per attachment "A" the land that is conveyed to Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation 4A by Dr. Wolski be transferred to Wal-Mart Stores/Inc., provided taxes, fees and all other costs excluding attorney fees by Sanger Industrial Development Corporation 4A, arising from the need to review Dr. Wolski' s request and contingent upon approval by Wal-Mart Stores/Inc., or one of its affiliated entities. Richard Muir stated that the letter dated July 10, 2000, from Attorney Robert McCollough for Wal- Mart, be added to the minutes as Attachment "A" in relation to his desires, the letter then becomes an addendum. Seconded by Richard Muir. Motion carried unanimously. Voting For: Richard Muir, Carroll McNeill, Vicki Jenkins, Frank Ballard Discussion followed. The Board instructed City Manager to send a letter to Wal-Mart indicating that on July 10, 2000 the 4A Sanger Industrial Board met the following motion was made contingent upon Wal-Mart's approval. 3. Any Other Such Matters a. City Secretary presented a bill from the offices of attorneys Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith concerning legal fees incurred regarding inducement contract with Wal-Mart, condemnation letter, and the Capital Fund Grant requirements. The Board reviewed the statement and instructed the staff to pay the disbursements. b. Jack Smith, City Manager reported Tri-Con (PiZ7.3 Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell) Corporation came in today. Their first choice is between Sanger Bank and the new McDonalds. Their second choice would be north of Jack in the Box. They want to be close to a fast food business. c. Carroll McNeill asked if there was any contact concerning the "green building". Jack indicated no one had contacted him yet. Carroll indicated he is trying to work on bringing a nice restaurant to that site. 4. Adjourment