09/27/2001-4A-Minutes-RegularMINlUTES: 4A CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 PRESENT: Richard Muir, Bill Fuller, Carroll McNeill ABSENT: Frank Ballard, Vickie Jenkins 1. Richard Muir Called the Meeting to Order. 2. a) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: April 12, 2001 April 17, 2001 Bill Fuller moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Carroll McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Richard Muir asked about the AHM Apartment project. City Manager indicated he had not heard anything else since the City Attorney had advised that the 4A Board could not legally be in partnership with this corporation. The board members present agreed that if AHM is still interested they could come back and approach the board again. Carroll McNeill moved to approve the consensus. Bill Fuller seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. 4. 5. Discussion among the Board members regarding the GNB Note Payable. Consider and Possible Action on FY 2001/2002 Budget. Richard Muir indicated that he and Mr. Ballard had discussed trying to pay more on the GNB Note Payable, and try to reduce the note before pursuing any more projects. The Board discussed and agreed that once the Money Market account reaches $90,000.00 to leave it in the Money Market and to take all account excess and pay it on the note to reduce the debt. Richard Muir asked if there was Sales Tax on the cafeteria at Wal-Mart. City Manger indicated they could be charging sales tax on the food. Discussed on the budget to increase line item 75-5505 to $130,000.00 and on future projects to budget $0.00. Carroll McNeill moved to adopt the budget with the changes made. Bill Fuller seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Any Other Such Matters. Discussion regarding Bio-Tech Research. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Approved '· ,'' '.'I I, 1 ; ,: