02/19/2004-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A BOARD FEBRUARY 19, 2004 PRESENT:· · Richard Muir, Carroll McNeilJ, Gordon Lurry, Vickie Jenkins ABSENT: Bill Fuller OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/ Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Paul Vineyard, Woodrow Barton 1. Richard Muir called Meeting to Order. 2. a) CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes: June 11, 2003 Caroll McNeill moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Gordon Lurry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Funds Committed for Babe's Chicken House. Paul Vineyard, Owner of Babe's Chicken house, read a letter indicating Babe's will not need the funds committed by the board. He indicated they have been close to break even from the first day. Without the commitment they would not have come to Sanger. The current numbers should double in the next two years. They are doing $100,000 dollars every four weeks. Mr. Vineyard indicated the city employees could not have been more helpful. He indicated it has been a great experience. He thanked the board for their commitment. Richard Muir indicated he appreciated his thoughts and comments. Paul Vineyard indicated the quality of work ethic of the young people employed in Sanger has been great. Richard Muir asked how many employees he had. Mr. Vineyard indicated over 40. Discussion. Mr. Vineyard thanked the board again. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Funds Regarding Sidewalk Repair in the Downtown Area. Discussed the balance on the current loan and the checking account balances. Richard Muir asked what was the year reserve they had set aside. Mr. McNeill indicated 1 years payments. Discussed they had decided to make minimum payments and deposit the rest in the money market to build up the account to fund some other projects. Richard Muir asked for status of the gas line. City Secretary indicated once construction begins then they will install the line. The board committed $27,000.00. No funds will be expensed until construction has begun. City Secretary indicated the sales tax deposit will be around $15,600.00 this month. Richard Muir indicated he has had some discussion with John Springer regarding the sidewalks. City Secretary indicated Richard Muir had asked if the 4B could commit an equal amount of funds. Staff indicated the 4B can, and they are considering it. Gordon Lurry asked if they have determined a definition of Economic Development and determined what will fall under that. Is sidewalk repair really Economic Development. Richard Muir indicated he felt if they move along and do things that contribute to a business coming to town then it is Economic Development. This is not a road or a bridge, but more like infrastructure. Mr. Muir indicated that Mr. Springer and other downtown owners had talked with an architect about infrastructure and improvements to the sidewalks. The plan would be similar to Denton's downtown area. It would include streetlights and pavers. Vickie Jenkins indicated she would like to know what the project is and the total cost. Gordon Lurry indicated he would also like to see the total cost and a plan. Richard Muir indicated he agreed that downtown was commercially viable and would benefit citizens and local merchants. Being in a commercial area seems that it is community development with business development undertones. Vickie Jenkins indicated she was not against it, she just wanted a total cost for the project. Mr. McNeill indicated that he agreed with Vickie. Gordon asked if on the current sidewalks from 2nd to 5th Street, had there been any sidewalk repair not done that the city is mandated to do. City Secretary indicated the sidewalks belong to the City. In 1995, the city did a study on the sidewalks for ADA compliance, an engineer was paid, and plans were drawn. The work was never done to the cost of the project. Gordon Lurry indicated it needs to be separated out what is desired cosmetically, and what is mandated. City Secretary indicated probably in 1995 funds were not available. Mr. Barton indicated the low bid was $230,000.00. We used to have elevated sidewalks by the hardware store and the Florist. Some things have already been done. There is less work, but costs may have increased. Some of the work that the Street Department has done has followed that plan. The handicap access at the senior center and the police station are done. Some of the original plans could be accepted and utilized and there would have to be some revisions to some of it. The City Council, in their budget, has put funds in for sidewalks. Richard Muir indicated there bas been some preliminary checking for grants, etc .. He indicated he felt the board had expressed and interest and a willingness to participate, but felt they can't make a commitment on an amount until they know how much the total project is. City Secretary indicated when she checked with Grant Works, there are grants out there, but they have to lead to a school or public library. The only grant is the Texas Capital Grant, the highest possible amount is $150,000.00. Discussed ADA requirements on sidewalks and buildings. Discussed ramps that have been provided on city buildings. Carroll McNeill expressed concerns regarding sidewalks in front of drug store. Woodrow Barton indicated since we don't have sidewalks to the West, the land could be brought down lower. We could build a ramp up to the existing sidewalk. He explained how it could be built. Mr. McNeill indicated he did not feel it would be too expensive to get the handicap ramps done. Gordon Lurry asked if there has been a plan for the aesthetics. City Secretary indicated the engineer wanted $20,000.00 for the plans, but Barbara at Horsemans can draw the plans with help from the City Engineer. lfwe could get the funding for what really needs to be done and wait on the cosmetics, maybe they could do sections at a time. Discussed traffic and parking on Bolivar Street. Carroll McNeill indicated he would like to see them move on the handicap ramps. He would like to see that completed. City Secretary indicated this was on the agenda to get feedback to give to the committee who is wanting to do the sidewalks. Richard Muir indicated the city could do the concrete, and maybe the 4A board could do historical street lights. The board members agreed that they would be interested in giving assistance upon receiving more information about cost and plans to enhance the aesthetic appearance for businesses downtown. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Approved