05/04/2006-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A SANGER TEXAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: May 4, 2006 President Richard Muir, Carroll McNeill, Fred Yeasts, Bill Fuller and Vicki Jenkins. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director and Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager 1. President Richard Muir called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Goals and Objectives for Economic Development • Creation of Enterprise Zone Cecile Carson addressed the Board concerning the development of a master plan which will have a section on Economic Development. Ms. Carson focused on the importance of an economic development plan and the ability of being able to sell our city if an economic development plan existed with a thoroughfare, utility plan, and a public facility plan. She also advised that the City does have land use and emphasized that the thoroughfare and utility plan need to be in place. Ms. Carson also indicated that when she receives calls from prospects it is difficult to answer their questions without some of these elements in place. Ms. Carson continued her discussion reading the development of a strategy plan and importance of goal setting. The survey she presented to the 4A members is to help assist with the development of economic development strategies. She advised that the Request for Proposal, will be presented to the City Council on May 15th • Ms. Carson indicated that there would be public involvement from citizens. She indicated she has had several meetings with companies who can do this work at a reasonable financial level. The time frame to prepare would be about 18 months. Objective is to identify the needs of the community. Discussion continued regarding strategies and advantages that could lead to further growth. Members expressed strength strategies being as follows: a. Major thoroughfare in regards to development of commercial property. b. Demographic proximity to DFW Metroplex. c. The proximity of being within a 10 to 15 mile radius of two hospitals. e. Distance of at least 15 miles from Alliance Airport f. Distance of an estimated 10 to 12 miles from two major Colleges, TWU and University of North Texas. g. Razor Development-Denton North h. Adding Schools Neighborhood The Board discussed the biggest problems/obstacles for the future growth of the area. a. Transportation circulation b. Right of Way dedication process c. Unknown highway setback on FM 455 d. Belz Rd. to FM 455 connect by high school e. Grocery f. Incentive -Job Classifications Board Members identified and ranked these items in order of importance. Attracting new industry, expand local industry, retail and commercial development, expand tourism, expand community services, create a sense of community, promoting service boards, downtown revitalization, lake related development, create home-grown businesses and entrepreneurial programs, and develop a land plan/code to promote community interest. Lengthy discussion followed on the importance of large house developments, amenities to attract development, golf courses, parks (soccer), swimming pools. Richard Muir and Board Members discussed the letter from the City Secretary concerning the salary of the Economic Development Director. City Secretary advised she needed direction as to the amount funds to transfer to salaries in the Economic development operating budget. The salary that was budgeted from the 4A was for an entire budget year; however, Ms. Carson started employment in January of 2006. The city's fiscal year is October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006. Discussion. Motion made by Richard Muir to allocate on a prorated basis for this year and on October 1, 2006, to allocate the whole amount. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Ms. Carson recommended another meeting needed to be schedule to discuss status of reports. 4. President Muir adjourned meeting. Approved