03/18/2013-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A MEMBERS SANGER TEXAS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION March 18, 2013 PRESENT: Vickie Jenkins, Fred Yeatts John Jacobs and Elizabeth Springer ABSENT: Don Gillum OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Tami Taber City Secretary 1. Call Meeting to Order. Vickie Jenkins called the meeting to order at 1 :00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes: November 6, 2012 Elizabeth Springer made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving Partial Financing for Water and Wastewater Improvements to Industrial Areas Along the East Side of 1-35. City Manager requested $300,000 from 4A to extend the water and sewer lines along the East side of 1-35, by doing this, the City will be ready to move forward to do the engineering and then will have a bond issue in the amount of 4.5 million to fund this project. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to approve $300,000 for water/wastewater capital improvements. Seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Review Financials. City Manager advised that there is currently $900,000 in the 4A account and sales tax continues to stay up. Update on the fuel terminal is that things are still moving forward and they are going to try to be in business by this time next year. 5. Adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 1: 12 p.m.