07/28/2022-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSanger Public Library Boa rd Meeting Minutes July 28, 202 2 Members present: Judie Rodgers (Chair), Suzanne Sellers, Libby Dorn, Audrey Tolle (ex -officio) Members absent: Erica Kaufman Meeting was called to order at 7:11pm 1. Introduction of new board member Libby Dorn 2. Library Director’s Report —Audrey Tolle After the presentation of the report, members discussed the summer reading program, Friends of the Library activities, NTLC Consorti um changes and their impact, and the weeding and cleaning of the DVD collection. 3. Donation Policy The draft policy was presented to the board. Brief discussion among board members on the need for the policy and the policy context. Motion to approve poli cy made by Suzanne Sellers, seconded by Libby Dorn, vote taken 3 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Policy approved. 4. Hotspot Checkout Policy The draft policy and the accompanying patron agreement form were presented to the board. Brief discussion among board me mbers on the grant that was received to purchase the hotspots and the sustainability of the service. Discussion of the use of hotspots at other small rural libraries and the context of the policy and agreement form. Motion to approve policy and form made by Suzanne Sellers, seconded by Libby Dorn, vote taken 3 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions. Policy and Agreement Form approved. 5. New Business  Still have one vacancy on the board. Discussion of criteria for eligibility. Members will try to help Audrey find elig ible individuals who would like to serve. Meeting adjourned 7:49pm Minutes submitted by Suzanne Sellers